July 17, 2007 – FYE101

The following entry was originally wrote in class, and has been transcribed at a later date.
So, its fifteen after five, and I’m sitting in the classroom. Have forty-five minutes to wait. Tonight is FYE.
I just came from the computer lab across the hall – I had been there finishing up an assignment. We’re supposed to take notes on each chapter we read. I hadn’t been. Hell, I hadn’t been reading either. So, I spent this afternoon outlining the chapters we were supposed to have read up to tonight. Six of ’em. Typed notes. I came up with eleven pages worth of notes.Wasn’t fun either. I had to do one through five at the office, because the power was out at home. Just did number six here.
Well, I don’t know. Maybe it was fun.
Almost 5:30.
I’m tired. I wanna go to sleep. Oh well.
I missed last week. Damned car. I had no brake pads on the rear passenger. I did have the fortune of riding in with Shandra last Wednesday, however. That was fun. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. I want to feel  the wind again. Knowing my luck it’ll rain, and she’ll have to have the top up. Oh yeah, she’s giving me a lift tomorrow, too.
I had breakfast about an hour ago. I had been out this morning, so I never got the chance.
Now it’s 5:30.
Only thirty more minutes of sitting, waiting for class to begin.
My handwriting is getting worse. Damned computers. Not much need to write by hand anymore. Only need to know your name – and even that can be replaced. Biometrics. Finger-print technology. Just stick your thumb, and you’ll be set. I’d much rather do that than sign my name. Even though my signature is rather interesting. I like it anyway.
Sleepy. I am sleepy.
Little more than twenty minutes to go. I’d go have a smoke, but I’m nearly out of cigarettes.

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