July 23, 2007 – ENG101

The following entry was originally written in class, and was transcribed at a later date.
I am sitting in the classroom. Currently I am one of two people occupying the room. But that is no matter – at least not a matter worthy of writing about. This makes the third? fourth? fifth? time that I have sat down in a class and started writing. The purpose of these writings are so that I may have more material to place in my blogs. I have yet to post anything. Maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never. I hate typing from my handwritten notes and journals.
A little less than fifteen minutes until the beginning of class.
I drew a smiley on the dry-erase board in the rear of the classroom. I wonder if anyone will notice.
I posted the text from the assignment I am turning in tonight.
Viewable on LJ and MySpace.
I am one of five students now.
I really didn’t wan to leave home this evening. I’m glad I did. I enjoy sitting in a class. School is fun.
Oh, dear God. I think that I have the longest paper in the class. One student just said that his paper two pages. One is guessing that hers is three and one-half pages – guessing because they didn’t format it correctly. My paper is ten pages.
I am tired. And hungry. And thirsty.
I left my bottle of Dasani in the car. Maybe I’ll get it in an hour.
Four minutes.
It seems that (based upon what I am overhearing) I am the only person in the class who gives a shit.
One minute. The instructor has entered.
One of five. The sixth is out there somewhere. Who knows what happened to the other five, or was it six?
Ah, two minutes passed the hour, and we have taken roll.
Turned in the papers.
Ah, number six just joined us. Four minutes passed the hour.
6:57p.m. So we’re taking a break now. We’ve spent the last hour discussing the possibilities of the next writing assignment. What fun.
Now there is a discussion about a couple of teens who stole a cruiser in Frankfort, or something like that. The student that guesses that they wrote three pages apparently knows one of the teens. Small world.
So, now we’re getting back to work.
Class dismissed at 7:50p.m.

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