RadioShack Sucks

And here is why I finally believe that statement:
excerpt taken from

After existing since 1998, has come under legal attack by RadioShack Corporation in a Texas Court. This is a direct assault on YOUR First Amendment rights!

I have been a fan of the aforementioned site for a few years. My fondness came about from my employment at a franchise store. I discovered the site one day, at work, searching the web for complaints against the company (RS) so I could get a good laugh on a dreary day. I found a lot more.

I found complaints from customers AND employees, usually bitching about one another. What joy I had found!

I still read the stories at work, and share them with my fellow associates, and we sit back and laugh reading about the ignorance of customers, bad employees, and stupid moves that the company has made.

If you haven’t read anything from the site, I suggest that you do, for if RadioShaft does actually win the battle and closes the site, all the old stories will be gone. Please check it out by clicking the following links:

RadioShackSucks main page or go directly to the message board.

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