Break time.
I haven’t gotten that much done yet, but then again, I have.
Generally , when I clean, I get all the big tasks first, then head to the little ones. Let me explain further. We’ll just do the downstairs as an example. I start with the living room, picking up any clothes that have been left behind from getting the kids ready for school, and toss them in the kitchen (the washer is in the kitchen). Then I toss all toys in a corner. Any plates or glasses that were left behind get picked up. Then I go to the kitchen (notice I haven’t vacuumed yet). I start the wash, and load the dishes. Wipe down the stove and counters, tossing any crud onto the floor. Then I sweep. Now it’s time to head to the half-bath. Sweep there, and set the trash in the doorway. Head back to the kitchen, grab the trash there. Take out the trash. Then I grab the mop and bucket, and start mopping the kitchen, hallway, and half-bath. Go back to the living room, and vacuum. Then I usually head upstairs and pick up the bedrooms, clear the tub of toys, sweep, mop, vacuum, and come back down. That’s when I grab the cleaners and erasers and such and start wiping down tables, walls, and and other counters (downstairs and up).
I haven’t done it in that order today.
I don’t know why.
Just being different I suppose.
Anyway, I don’t think I’ll get all of that done, because I have a lot of laundry to go through. We kinda relaxed this weekend. We did the laundry, but never sorted it and put it away. All of it is on the sofa right now. So, I’ve got to sort the laundry out, and pack it upstairs.
Sounds like fun, huh?
Anyway, break’s over. Back to work.

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  1. Pingback: 47 – J. Palmer

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