So, how many times should you tell your son to not put his sister in the closet? Can anyone tell me this? I’m starting to get tired of it. I think I’ll just make a recording and play it back to him on a loop while he’s sleeping…
I listened to the audio of the hot-dog competition on the radio… it sounded like the announcer was announcing for a horse-race… kinda disturbing… interesting how they referenced vomitting as a reversal…
Niv’s trying to give one of her babies a drink…
The kids are home, ’cause they got the poops… as do I… I think it was something we ate…
I think Niv’s gonna be a dancer… I set her on top of the desk yesterday while I had some music playing… she started dancing away…
It is 71°F with Light Rain….
As you can see, I really have nothing to write about…
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