Strokin' Survey

So, I was listening to my collection of mp3’s, and Strokin’ started playing. That gave me an idea… a survey based on the questions that Clarence asks us in the song… So, here we go…
“Let me ask you somethin’…
What time of the day do you like to make love?”
>morning and evening,

“Have you ever made love just before breakfast?”

“Have you ever made love while you watched the late, late show?”
>I think so…

“Well, let me ask you this
Have you ever made love on a couch?”

“Well, let me ask you this
Have you ever made love on the back seat of a car?”
>no, but the front seat of my old truck…

“Let me ask you something…
How long has it been since you made love, huh?”
>um… two days, i think…

“Did you make love yesterday?”

“Did you make love last week?”

“Did you make love last year?”

“Or maybe it might be that you plannin’ on makin’ love tonight…”
>i’d like to, but i don’t know if that’ll happen now…

and now, just for the fun of it, can you relate to either of these stories that Clarence shares with us…

“I remember one time I made love on the back seat of a car
And the police came and shined his light on me, and I said:
‘I’m strokin’, that’s what I’m doin’, I be strokin”
>sorry, never had anything like that happen…

“Now when I start making love to my woman
I don’t stop until I know she’s sas-ified
And I can always tell when she gets sas-ified
‘Cause when she gets sas-fied she start calling my name
She’d say: ‘Clarence Carter, Clarence Carter, Clarence Carter
Clarence Carter, ooooh shit, Clarence Carter'”
>um, I think I’ve only had my name called twice, and those would be the only time that i know she was “sas-ified”…

“The other night I was strokin’ my woman
And it got so good to her, you know what she told me
Let me tell you what she told me, she said:
‘Stroke it Clarence Carter, but don’t stroke so fast
If my stuff ain’t tight enough, you can stick it up my…’ WOO! ”
>um, no she’s never told me that…

and now, we finish with some good words of advise:

“But just remember, when you start making love
You make it hard, long, soft, short
And be strokin’ “

enjoy this survey, and please share it!

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