sick / dreams / writing assignment

Well, I am in day four of the not-feeling-so-well thing. Damned stomach bug. Belches are less frequent, but still rank. I’m having a problem with flatulence, and it’s rather rank, too. BMs are less frequent, and are starting to turn to a normal state.
Taron’s still fine – he has yet to experience this bug. Niv’s entered day three. It’s not slowing her down any; it’s only making her bottom sore.
I’m having some rather interesting dreams lately. Well, actually, the dreams began about two months ago, and are just becoming more frequent, and a little more detailed. I’m not complaining – I rather enjoy these dreams! I just believe I may need to read up a bit on Freudian theories…
I think I’m going to email Laura, my ENG101 instructor, and ask her to better define the requirements of this last writing assignment. The paper is supposed to be “academic” in nature. My question is whether my research for the paper should be “empirical.” I had switched to a different topic, for I wasn’t having an easy time researching for the other two topics I had chosen. Now my problem is that I’m just having a difficult time finding direction for this topic. I have a decent amount of material, but I’m just not feeling the spirit necessary to write anything. I’m just not getting into it.
The topic I wish to write about would be a bit easier for me, however information available would be a bit more limited. Limitations would be primarily where information would be found. I could find a history of the topic, and then a decent amount in trade publications and even more in general interest publications; most of which would be opinionated articles written by pseudo-, self-proclaimed, and media authorities – though most of these authorities would be educated and trained in the field.
I dunno.
My stomach hurts.

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