FYE – Last Class Tonight…

Well, tonight is the last night for FYE. Wah!
I have a little writing assignment that I need to have finished for this evening. I haven’t really started on it. It’s supposed to be a little thing on what I value, why I value those things, and whether Diana shares those same interests–if she doesn’t, then I need to explain how I handle those conflicts in interest.
So, I have no real idea as to what to write.
I could say that I value my life, but I don’t think that would be very accurate, for I do things which are harmful… I smoke, and I really don’t eat well. So, I guess that’s out.
I value my family. Well, of course. Who doesn’t?
Education? Sure. Why not?
Okay, so there’s two points… now I just need another… Hmmm….
I dunno. I really can’t think of anything else that I hold so highly. Diana, the kids, and school. What else is there?
Hey, that’s it… bust the family element apart, Make Diana one point, and then the kids another. Cool. Three things I value. That’ll work. (This assignment doesn’t have to be all that complex…
So, now I just have to figure out what to say about ’em.
Okay, so on the Diana thing, I value her presence and her company, and any chance that I can have to spend time alone with her at home. She, has a different view on this, she would much rather spend time with me out somewhere, and not at home. She likes the social scene.. all the distractions and interactions. The thing that I hate about being out in a social setting is that it becomes too easy for her to forget about me in certain situations. She attempts to be a busy social bee, and it just leaves me sitting alone in the corner somewhere, where I tend to be more of an antisocial or avoidant person. I really don’t care for social interaction. I just want to be with my loved one, and am frequently in pain when she interacts with others, where I tend to be forgotten. Diana also tends to change or re-arrange her priorities if she is being social–she’ll forget about time restrictions, or financial restrictions, and try to go all out in enjoying the fun, while I attempt to keep her rooted in the truths that we have no money, or that we need to awake early the morning in order to pick the kids up from the grandparent or family friend that is watching them for the evening/overnight.
In regards to the children, I enjoy spending time with the kids, and would much rather prefer to keep them home from school, in order for them to spend more time with me. I also enjoy going out to one of the parks, and running around with them. Again, another conflict here. Diana doesn’t like to spend all that much time at the park, or playing for that matter, for she sees her obesity as a heavy burden on any activity–she’ll claim that she can’t lie on the floor and play, therefore she doesn’t interact with the children as much as I. She won’t run around and chase the kids at a park, for she gets out of breath too easily, and she says that it causes too much physical pain. Diana doesn’t seem to understand my preference for keeping the children home, as opposed to sending them to school, either.
Education… I dunno… There really is no conflict there. Well, then again… Diana doesn’t see why I prefer night classes, and has been trying to fight me into switching to being a day student for the longest time. I’ve tried… I just had a harder time doing it in the day… Just something to do with how I operate…
Well, hey, it kinda looks like I just completed my assignment. Well, almost… I didn’t explain how conflicts are resolved. Well, they really aren’t we just do our own things, and try to respect one another by making a trade-off every so often.
There… Now the assignment is done. Now, all I have to do is an old copy and paste, and do some slight reformatting of the text.

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