What a difference 10 years makes…
——-10 years ago——

1.) How old were you? 17….

2.) Where did you go to school? Harrison County High School….

3) Where did you work? Nowhere…
4) Where did you live? Cynthiana…

5.) Where did you hang out? Nowhere…
6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope…

7.) Who was your best friend? Dunno…
8.) How many tattoos did you have?  None…

9.) How many piercings did you have? None…

10) What car did you drive? Didn’t… Until the following year…

11.) Had you been to a real party? I guess…
12.) Had You had your heart broken? Nope…

———–5 years ago———–

1.) How old were you? 22

2.) Where did you go to school? Nowhere…

3.) Where did you work? C&S Electronics…

4.) Where did you live? Cynthiana…

5.) Where did you hang out? Nowhere…
6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope…
7.) Who was your best friend? Dunno…

8.) How many tattoos did you have? None…
9.) How many piercings did you have?: None…

10.) What car did you drive?: Went through three cars that year, 1985 Crown Vic, 1994 Cavalier, 1998 Dakota…

11.) Had your heart broken? Nope…

—————-2 years ago——————-

1.) How old were you? 25

2.) Where did you go to school? Nowhere…

3.) Where did you work? Concept Packaging Group…

4.) Where did you live? Cynthiana…

5.) Where did you hang out? Nowhere…

6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope…
7.) Who was your best friend? Diana…
8.) How many tattoos did you have? None…
9.) How many piercings did you have? None…

10.) What car did you drive? 1995 Escort, 1998 Taurus, 1990 Voyager

11.) Had your heart broken? Nope…


1.) How old are you? 27

2.) Where do you go to school? Sullivan University

3.) Where do you work? Nowhere…

4.) Where do you live? Cynthiana…

5.) Do you wear glasses? I really should…

6.) Where do you hang out? Nowhere…

7.) Do you talk to your old friends? Not really…

8.) Who are your best friends? Diana…

9.) How many piercings do you have? None…

10.) How many tattoos? None…

11.) What car do you drive? 1998 Taurus, 2004 Freestar…

12.) Has your heart been broken? Yes…
12.) Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? Married, with children…


  1. Sheesh, it seems like you go out of your way to be depressed. Um you do talk to me and Rob occasionally that would be old friends I think, not to mention Diana who has been there since high school. Personally back in the C&S Electronics day you and Rob were obviously best friends. You don’t have to be negative all the time…

  2. well, the thing said best friend… I’ve never really classified anyone as a best friend until D came along… i would figure that a best friend would be one that you share everything with…
    Though I did have a few friends, I didn’t share everything with anyone… I never felt that secure with anyone… came close to feeling that secure with Bob, but he kinda broke that with all of his negativity… I haven’t really spoken with the guy in months…
    …and honestly, you don’t even want to know how many times I had thought of knocking the shit out of Bob in the ‘shack days… that’s part of what helped me grow a friendship with matt..
    I wasn’t trying to throw a pity party, that’s just how I think a good portion of the time…

  3. oh, I forgot… if you were commenting on the mood: the reason why I was depressed was when I answered the heart-broken question that D attempted to approach… you understand…

  4. Well it’s perfectly understandable being heart-broken. To be quite frank she’s lucky you were willing to give it another try. Alot of people wouldn’t have done that. Not saying anything in camparison to my relationships, just saying.

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