Mom who started Applebee's breast-feeding protest won't attend

The organizer of a protest on Saturday against Applebee’s breast-feeding policies and a local demonstration that has gone national has decided not to attend herself.
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From the Herald Leader:

Brooke Ryan started a national uproar after she was asked by the manager of the Nicholasville Road Applebee’s to cover up while breast-feeding her 7-month-old son. A local protest scheduled to be held from noon to 2 p.m. has now spread to at least 60 different Applebee’s in 30 states.

Apparently, the woman and a slew of others are angry that they can’t whip out their breasts and feed the kids. Well, ok, get over it. I haven’t seen a restaurant or any public establishment that supports it, other than hospitals and the like – and, unless it’s in the hospital room, they have rooms allotted for that, because some find it offensive. (For the record, I don’t.)
Well, Ryan wants Applebee’s to say they’re sorry, and to start keeping towels handy in order for a mother to cover-up.
Okay, so, like, why should the restaurant be responsible for providing towels? Do you want them to provide diapers and wipes, too? Come on! You’re carrying a diaper bag around, what’s another towel or blankie? Hell, my kids are three and one, and I tote a diaper bag around when we go out! and it’s got a whole tub of wipes, poop catchers for three days worth of movements, and three days worth of clothes! and a blankie! and we don’t need a blankie anymore! and there’s blankies in the car and the van! Jesus!
Ah, well.
So,  now I’m thinking about going to Applebee’s this weekend…

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