New Bill to Clarify Cellphone Contracts

While I believe that wireless contracts aren’t that difficult to understand (commonly it’s misconceptions and misinterpretations of the customer’s), I believe that this bill would be very helpful. Having the ability to terminate within the first thirty days of service, without facing termination fees is a great idea–the only trick, however, is that consumers would surely have to face the pains of having a non-refundable deposit if their equipment wasn’t returned in the same condition it was sold–otherwise the prices of handsets will have to be a little bit more expensive (where they are typically sold at a cheaper rate, where a discounted price is offered where the commitment for service is made)

New Bill to Clarify Cellphone Contracts
theorem4 writes to tell us that US Senators today unveiled legislation designed to empower cell phone customers across the nation by providing more protections and guaranteed options. “The Cell Phone Consumer Empowerment Act of 2007 will require wireless service providers to share simple, clear information on their services and charges with customers before they enter into long-term contracts; a thirty-day window in which to exit a contract without early termination fees; and greater flexibility to exit contracts with services that don’t meet their needs.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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