Countdown Monday: The Petraeus Report

oh, just some comical national news… interesting reads….

Countdown Monday: The Petraeus Report

A Report Report Card:  Not since April 28, 1967… when General William Westmoreland addressed Congress on America’s expanding military role in Vietnam… has so much attention been focused on a briefing by a military commander. But… in our fifth story on the Countdown… when General David Petraeus tried to begin his prepared remarks on Capitol Hill this afternoon… not even the microphones wanted to hear it.
Surge Gets Four StarsKicking the can down the road…Buying the President more time…Or, in starker terms, giving him more leeway to get more Americans killed in Iraq. Frank Rich of “The Greatest Story Ever Sold”…
History RepeatsIt must be true.. if you live long enough, news begins to have a deja vu quality..Hearings interrupted by protest.. Generals called on the carpet to explain an unpopular war… books cooked and young people dying unnecessarily… the public with little or no faith in government or its leaders.  That was then, during Vietnam.  It’s also now. Our third story tonight, the slow and disastrous breakdown of our government — and the link between that time and now.
Stalls of Justice:  For 27 years, he’s been creating the laws of the land in Congress. Yet in our second story on the Countdown, Senator Larry Craig now expects a judge to believe that a veteran lawmaker such as himself didn’t understand what pleading guilty really means.                                 

WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD: Brit Hume, former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card, and a group containing  former Bush Under-Secretary of Defense Jed Babbin, and John Gibson and Greg Gutfeld vie for tonight’s top honors
Less is MoreStep aside Lindsay Lohan. Take a pass, Paris Hilton. And don’t even think about it, Nicole Ritchie. In our number one story on the Countdown… Britney Spears once again rules… as the train wreck du jour. Last night she turned in a super-hyped “comeback performance” that was met with the universal cry of… “Go back!”

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2 thoughts on “Countdown Monday: The Petraeus Report”

  1. Video: Iraq war mirroring Vietnam?
    Sept. 10:  Many similarities can be found between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War and their effect of the U.S. government and citizens.  Former White House Counsel for Nixon John Dean discusses the similarities between now and then. (Countdown)
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        Title: Video: Iraq war mirroring Vietnam?
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