Turned Off iPhone Gets $4800 Bill from AT&T

Um, I don’t think I want an iPhone anymore…

Turned Off iPhone Gets $4800 Bill from AT&T
Tech.Luver writes “Jay Levy says he has been stung by Apple’s iPhone pact with AT&T after he took an iPhone on a Mediterranean cruise. They didn’t use their phones, but when they got back they had a 54-page monthly bill of nearly $4,800 from AT&T Wireless. The problem was that their three iPhones were racking up a bill for data charges using foreign phone charges. The iPhone regularly updates e-mail, even while it’s off, so that all the messages will be available when the user turns it on. “”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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    Title: Turned Off iPhone Gets $4800 Bill from AT&T
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