Updates to the blog…

Well, I’ve had fun, over the past two days… I’ve been copying over entries that I had written at MySpace over to this blog… I really don’t know why… Maybe I just see the need to have all of my thoughts in one place, besides, I’ve vowed to blog here and only here (at least until I can find a publishing tool that will allow me to post to several sites at once).
All of these former MySpace posts have been designated with a MySpace icon, and have the date that they were published… Sorry, I didn’t feel like keeping the time accurate…
I will be going back through all of these entries, and trying to tag them. For that matter, I will be trying to go back through ALL of my LJ entries and tagging/re-tagging them. I really didn’t care for the system that I was trying to create with the tags, so I am just going to choose keywords rather than categorizing… should be a bit simpler for me to accomplish, plus it will seem to follow the model that everyone else out there uses…
So, if you haven’t read the old MySpace blog entries, then please, feel free to hit the archives…

2 thoughts on “Updates to the blog…”

  1. …um, yeah… the whole pretty myspace icon crap no longer applies. i might change that in the future, but it’s doubtful.

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