Broadcasters Oppose Wireless Net Service

Similar things are already being done… KET is broadcasting computer services for the Kentucky Cabinet for Human and Family Services, Kentucky Division of Emergency Management, and local health and law enforcement agencies. Sure, KET’s broadcast is limited, broadcasts over their allotted broadcast frequencies, and does not allow Internet access, but the concept is the same. All that is required for a person to have is an antenna, an HDTV tuner in their PC, and the available software package.
This technology will work, and will not cause detrimental interference with television or cable broadcast (once refined–of course). The networks just need to grow up, and stop complaining. – Jeremiah

Broadcasters Oppose Wireless Net Service
kaufmanmoore writes “The AP reports that the National Association of Broadcasters is launching ads to target lawmakers over a push by a consortium of technology companies including Google, Intel, HP, and MSFT who want to use unused and unlicensed TV spectrum (the so-called ‘white space’) for wireless broadband. Broadcasters are airing concerns about the devices creating interference with broadcast television. In a statement, NAB chairman Alan Frank takes a swipe at technology companies: ‘While our friends at Intel, Google and Microsoft may find system errors, computer glitches and dropped calls tolerable, broadcasters do not.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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