
I’ve got a headache…
Nivea just said hi, for some reason…
Taron’s running around in circles…
Niv’s pushing a crate around…
I’m outta cigarettes, and my dip is in the van…
The coffee is cold…
I’m hungry…
Niv just said bye…
Taron’s pushing the crate now…
I have a nice sized cavity in one of my wisdom teeth… It’s the one that came in sideways, and points outward, towards my cheek. I hate my teeth. I hate my smile. There’s only one other part of my body I dislike, other than my smile…
this is growing old, so i think i’ll actually write something….
I went to the office this morning, and spent a grand portion of the day there, playing around with the computers. I had a little snag here, at home before I left, involving Diana’s mp3 player–I couldn’t get the computer to recognize it, or so I thought. Turns out that the computer kept assigning it a drive letter I had reserved for a web-folder. I didn’t figure this out until I opened the device manager, and saw that the computer was loading the generic mass storage drivers. Following that I loaded the disk management console and saw that the device was assigned the wrong letter. Problem solved.
Now, I’ve got another problem going on at the office. Herb’s computer is having issues, which can easily be fixed by a quick re-install of windows, but I have no idea where the disc is… I may just save all his docs and put something else on there if I can’t find the stupid restore CD. He won’t care, and probably won’t notice. All he uses the thing for is email and the occasional use of word.
Dad’s notebook is pretty nice–similar to the one I have in pawn. I put pcAnywhere on it, and his primary office computer, so that he can connect to everything from home. It works great through a broadband connection, we’ll see about dialup… Oh, get this, his primary pc doesn’t have a modem. That pissed me off. I was planning to set the sucker up so he could dial into it. Oh, well. Internet connection works. Took a bit to figure out how to do it (meaning I actually had to read the instructions), but it was pretty easy…
I need to clean the van. Hell, I need to clean the car, for that matter. It’s just the van looks a bit worse now–a clean exterior and a messy interior. Yeah, we had to wash the thing the other day. Sunday, actually. We awoke to find that the poor thing had fallen victim to a drive-by paint-balling in the night. Savages. I felt better when the cop told us that we weren’t the only one–it seems that someone (or a group) had shot several cars on Pike Street. I hadn’t checked the records in the Democrat to see if the report was published. Probably not. Most likely be in next weeks paper.
I missed out on listening to Coffeebreak this morning. Sorry. No updates for Coffeebreak. I know. You’re deeply saddened. Well, I didn’t get a chance to tell you about Thursday’s show… Rick interviewed Joe Joe. They spoke about the homecoming stuff – it’s been rescheduled for October 24th. That’s pretty much it.
No other news to speak of. Unless you wanna know about what’s going on in scannerland… Obie’s stumbling down River Road.
There were two fires earlier today. A house in Connersville, and a grass fire in Berry. Charlie bitched about people not reading the paper. It seems that the grassfire was caused by a controlled burn – and burning has been banned until further notice due to the dry conditions.
Well, the kids are at my elbows now, so I think I’d better go play….

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