A quarter of men are so embarrassed by their bodies that they are reluctant to be naked in front of their partner
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…just another random person's thoughts & digressions.
A quarter of men are so embarrassed by their bodies that they are reluctant to be naked in front of their partner
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I remember the first time that Diana saw my naked body. I was petrified–and it wasn’t so much due to “being naked” in front of someone, as it was being fat and naked.
On a semi-comical note, Diana told me that it was the first time she had seen a nude male, and that she too, had been frightened of seeing me undress–she was afraid of becoming nauseated by seeing my body. Instead, she had to hold back awe and laughter for she had never seen a man as hairy as I am.
Are you one of those 25 percent?
Well that answers my question