ham communications to myanmar…

I received an email the other day concerning efforts to communicate with Myanmar. According to the email, there aren’t any agreements with Myanmar, so there is no way for an amateur to attempt to make welfare inquiries.
Just something I found interesting, so I thought I’d share:

Allow me to preface this email with the statement that I am not an expert of any color in this subject.
However, I have seen a lot of emails on a lot of ham reflectors about the desire to contact Myanmar for health/welfare inquiries. I thought I would do a little research, because there are probably many hams out there with as much knowledge as I had. 🙂
We do not have a Third Party Traffic agreement according to the list at:http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/io/3rdparty.html
Therefore, unless the State Department works out a temporary agreement with the government of that nation, those forms of transmissions are not allowed. Tragic, yes. However, seeing the news stories about the political/diplomatic issues with that nation I say this would not be the time to test international law.
I did learn a lot by reading a page on emergency communications on the IARU web site about international emergency communcication. It is located at http://www.iaru.org/emergency/
Just the facts as I have learned them. I have asked ARRL HQ to issue guidance and updates to the amateur radio community.
Take care, 73, Pat, KD4PWL
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