Daily Digest for October 4th

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kg4vma published Daily Digest for October 3rd.
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kg4vma Wow. RT @jeffjarvis: @leolaporte reveals cost=$350k, revenue=$1.5m for his podcast net: new, small, profitable media. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma @tababy012204 I agree. Why do ya think I’ve been tweaking that one pc as a server and tinker with audio programs? [kg4vma].
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kg4vma listened to 37 songs.
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kg4vma Cyn walmart has idiots for employees and patrons. CSM calling mgmt to see if open lip gloss can be returned. Maybe I should return a Pepsi. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma Sounds like the fire parade got a lot of participants. I can’t count the number of sirens I’m hearing. [kg4vma].

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