Daily Digest for November 15th

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kg4vma published Daily Digest for November 14th.
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kg4vma Ok… The gingerbread flavored coffeemate sux. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma @tababy012204 I wanted to try it out again just to make sure. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma @tababy012204 nap? I gots tons o’ stuff for ya to do here… [kg4vma].
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kg4vma @tababy012204 cleaning, laundry, etc… [kg4vma].
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kg4vma Had a customer from my days @ the shack come through my line. Didn’t recognize me. She’s ditsy anyways. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma She didn’t recognize me earlier this year either when I brought her a genny from @harrisonema to run the sump pump in her basement. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma Nice woman but I seriously think she’s only a 15 watt. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma I think the guy who’s workin’ opposite me tonight’s a dim bulb too. Can’t be sure though. He’s only been here a week. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma I was pretty slow my first week, too. But look at me now. Answerin’ other associates questions, out runnin’ a few. And it’s only been 4 wks. [kg4vma].

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