i’ve gotta hurry up & get the new version of @harrisonema site online. hitting a dozen different sites to do status updates/posts sucks. [kg4vma]
@dljordaneku http://harrisonema.com it’s an office live site currently. Gonna transfer domain/hosting and set up wp as a cms in a few weeks. [kg4vma]
Shared 2 videos.
Is using vnc to connect to a pc just five feet away lazy? [kg4vma]
Confirmed. Tested on @tababy012204… RT @arstechnica: College students struggle to go without media for 24 hours – http://arst.ch/j3n [kg4vma]
I love you @tababy012204!!! Even though you can’t unplug yourself from teh internets. 😛 [kg4vma]
Shared Taron and Niv – 23 Apr 2010.
I love our local law enforcement. If you don’t own a scanner, you should get one. Hear all kinds of wisecracks over the air. [kg4vma]
Listened to 5 songs.
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