…well, I had been trying to set up my little recording thing again, so that Diana would be able to listen to this morning’s CoffeeBreak–the guests were the Licking Valley Singers.
I had things working for a while, and then it just crapped out–and it looks like it’s on WCYN’s side; and it’s really no surprise–their ISP is SETEL/Lightyear:
…neat to see that they’ve got a static address, rather than a dynamic one; but I’m curious why this is reporting them as having a dial-up connection.
Just for giggles and comparison, here’s my info–though we use the same ISP, we obviously connect differently:
…anyway, for the time being, WCYN’s stream–when it works–is at […maybe that’s the problem… I’m trying to force connection the “high-bandwidth” stream… ]
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