RCA Tablet – RCT6077W22

0006211876077_Color_Blue_SW_500X500…just some geeky info… call this post a work-in-progress (that I may or may not re-visit)

USB drivers for ADB, etc… Just grab the latest generic Google USB drivers – http://developer.android.com/sdk/win-usb.html#download

after driver has installed, create/edit the ‘%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini’ file… (the value we’re adding is the Vendor ID — 0x2207)

# USE 'android update adb' TO GENERATE.

…and, bingo! adb access!

If side-loading apps, go into settings->Apps, and start moving things over to “NAND FLASH”… apps seem to like going into the “Internal Storage” [/data] area which is apparently supposed to be reserved for the system/pre-loaded apps–space here is quite limited. “NAND FLASH” area [/sdcard], however, is roughly 5GB of open space.

5 thoughts on “RCA Tablet – RCT6077W22”

  1. I am lost on “after driver has installed, create/edit the ‘%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini’ file… (the value we’re adding is the Vendor ID — 0×2207).” Could you give more detail on this step?

    1. First, I’m assuming you’re working on a PC running Windows…

      …I’m also assuming you’ve already installed the android SDK (if not, grab a copy of the kit —http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html— and install). If you haven’t gotten this far, or are a complete newbie, do some googling to find out what I’m talking about… I recommend just about anything that pops up with a result at xda-developers…

      Even after installing the SDK there’s still a chance you may need to install the generic drivers–see the link in the post, or run the SDK Manager (way down toward the bottom of the available items of the manager window should be the generic driver). After the drivers have been installed, you’ll need to tell the pieces of the SDK that we’re concerned about–the Android Debug Bridge–that it should look for the tablet as a recognized device (thus the creation/editing of the adb_usb.ini file).

      …if you’ve already messed around with ADB in the past and successfully connected other android devices this file will already exist, otherwise you’ll have to create it new, using your favorite text-editor. In either case, the file should be located at %USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini (for Win7–and I think Vista–this will be something like C:\Users\YOUR-WINDOWS-PROFILE-NAME-HERE\.android\ for WinXP I think it’d be something like C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR-WINDOWS-PROFILE-NAME-HERE\.android\

      …if the file already exists, just add the 0x2207 value on the next line. If the file doesn’t exist, create it–you can copy/paste the coded section in the post for the new file if you want–the only important bit though is the 0x2207. After this, it should be gravy. If it still ain’t working, make sure you’ve killed the ADB-server and try again. (and, of course, make sure you’ve enabled usb debugging on the tablet: Settings\Developer Options\USB Debugging).

      If you’re still having problems…um… Good Luck! 😉

    1. …I think… You should be able to get developer options if you go under “about” in the settings menu, and then start tapping away (something like ten times) on the “build number”… This is a “security” feature in jelly bean; though I didn’t have to jump through this hoop for the tablets I got… …of course, I’ve noticed that there have been two or three system updates since I started playing with them–and i enabled the dev options prior to these updates…

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