Test post from Director’s account

This is a test. For the next sixty seconds, HarrisonEMA.com will conduct a test of the WordPress Publishing Platform. This is only a test.

This is a test of the WordPress Publishing Platform. Bloggers, in cooperation with webmasters and other authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency.

If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed where to tune in your area for news and official information.

HarrisonEMA.com serves Harrison County, Kentucky, and all cities and communities thereinThis concludes this WordPress Publishing Platform Test.

…this post will be removed from all social media facets shortly, but will remain on the server, just for fun. 😉

–Jeremiah Hall Palmer, HarrisonEMA.com Webmaster

[This post should have appeared on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google+, and in the inboxes of email subscribers…]

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