Morning Randomness

…a pack of Captain’s Wafers left on the dining room table led me to remembering this:

…which led me to discovering this via a comment:

…which made me think of another Southern Culture on the Skids song:

…which led me to another SCotS favorite:

…which was used in an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch; unfortunately, I can’t find an “original” copy of that episode online. πŸ™ All the episodes I’ve found online are the syndicated/DVD releases, which have had the music changed. Darned royalty crap. (The episode was “Witch Trash”–Season 2, Episode 9; the song was used in the montage piece around the 16min mark.)

EDIT: May 9, 2023 – I can’t remember what video was supposed to be in the section I just struck-through… Unfortunately, the video referenced no longer exists.

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