
# Untitled
## Sun 12 Feb 2023 10:24:35 AM EST

I’m not getting to write as frequently as I would like to. Honestly, I would like to try and write something at least once a day. I’m halfway hoping that with the introduction of the pup into the family [see footnote] that I can alter what has become the everyday timeline and establish a new routine and new habits that can include me sitting down for a little bit and writing things.

With the pup in the house I’ve got to get myself up and take care of it–and beginning that much earlier than when the kids wake makes things a lot easier. So, if I were to begin waking at around 5am, I should be able to take the pup out in the morning before the kids wake–so that they don’t end up begging to go outside with me–and then have a couple of hours in which to fully wake and get my morning rolling with a few cups of coffee and the news followed by my commentary on the news or life in general.

I mean, that’s essentially how I did things long ago–minus the taking care of a dog part.

I think I can do this.


Thanks for reading;


=> 2023-02-12-we-got-a-dog.gmi We got a dog…

=> ../ Go back to the main site

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