Smart-@$$ed Replies

In the previous post, I said that I would frequently share different images with my peers pertaining to the job in some fashion or another–usually to try and release some tension, emotions, or just to try and be a bit comical. Sometimes, what I would send would simply be a reply to something that our district manager had said about the business–more often than not, that reply would be reflective of myself being a bit of a smart-aleck.

I cannot remember what I would’ve sent this as a reply to, but given the date I have for the image–December 18, 2018–I would guess that it has something to do with the shopping season, or the delay of store deliveries.

Obviously, this would have been in response to my agreement with whatever had been said in the group; no clue as to what I would have been replying to.

I’m fairly certain that I sent this in response to a reminder or announcement of a follow-up conference call.

And I think I’ll wrap up this post with this image. The story on this one is I wanted to express what I felt my district manager felt of me and my varied responses and comment in our group chat–Hank Hill’s favorite thing to say in response to his son’s odd behavior’s came to mind. To make things seem more fitting, I attempted to color Hank’s hair grey, and have Hank’s shirt colored and patterned like that of one our DM would wear. I doubt anyone really appreciated it, but I thought it was funny.

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