Figuring out fatherhood

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to write anything here. I guess I need to figure out what all I have to tell you to catch you up.

Diana and I were able to come home with Taron on the 25th. Diana was released the day before, but we voted to stay until we could be home with our son.

The journey home was interesting, as we had some nice icy weather that came upon us a few hours before we left.

Well, we got home, and have, for the most part, been staying here, feeding and watching over our babe. Taron’s been to my place of work twice, as the roads weren’t in the greatest conditions, so I’d bring Diana and Taron in to town so they could make their appointments. After the appointments, Diana and Taron would come to the store and wait to go home.

Taron’s so cute!

The very first day that we had him home, I wasn’t much help. The feeding and diaper thing was too new. Now I’ve been doing it very regular, and love every chance that I have to feed and change him.

I’ve been half-way depressed. I don’t like us being here. I want us to have a place of our own, far from all the noise that Linda, Mariah, and Stephanie create. All the yelling that goes on bugs me. Then add having Mark and Angela pop in, whining that they need this, that, or twenty bucks. This is not the environment that I want my son to grow up in.

Fortunetely, we will be rid of this place in a month or so. I can’t wait.

I have to work today. I was originally scheduled off, but I have to take the place of another worker. Here’s that story:

On Saturday an employee meeting was held at the store. Several things were discussed, and a few new rules were imposed. Well, one of those rules was broken on Monday. The employee that broke the rule has now been partially fired. He was told that since he broke one of the rules mentioned just a few days ago, without any valid excuse, he shouldn’t worry about coming to work, and to pick up his check on Friday. The owner (former manager) said for Rob (now manager) to give that message to the employee, while she (the owner) waited for the employee to dispute the firing, and apologize to regain his employment. He has yet to call the owner, so, he’s gone.

Was any of that confusing? Okay, let me try to explain better using very poor dialogue:

owner: employee made a big mistake
manger: and what do you want me to do
owner: call him & say he’s fired
manager: fired?
owner: yep. he’ll probably call me and beg for forgiveness. if he does, he’ll be back until next time
manager: ok

manager: you broke the rules. you’re gone.
employee: ok

I hate that we’ll be losing the guy, but he has been slacking a bit. Example: A customer came in needing a power supply for an effects board for electric guitar. Power Supply needed: 12VAC 1000mA. Power Supply Sold: 12VDC 800mA. Not only that, but e then charged for the “free” plug end that comes with the power adapter.

Anyway, if he’s gone, maybe I’ll get a raise and more hours. I hope.

Well, I think I’ll be leaving now. Got a few things to get done.

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