a title goes here (Just can’t think of one)

Um. I don’t know. Just sorta sitting at home in front of the PC and can’t think of anything.

I would like to thank Heather for suggesting Lavasoft’s Ad-aware 6.0 to rid me of the problems I am having at work. Unfortunetely it isn’t doing the trick. Neither is Spybot Search & Destroy. (Both of those programs usually do a great job, however what I got can’t be removed by them just yet.)

Also, I would like to thank Heather for showing me that people actually do read these things.

Um. So now I really don’t know what to say. Ran out of thoughts. Sucks really. Can’t even write a complete sentance. Writers block.

So, did I tell you that I’m living in my mother-in-law’s house? Just checked. No I didn’t. Haven’t really told you anything about myself. ‘Cept that I’m married [to the most beautiful woman in the world (‘course what man wouldn’t say that about their wife, especially if they know what’s good for them)].

Okay, I think I may have some stuff I can link you to. I started to try a blog thing a long time ago, never got anywhere, and then picked the idea back up. I had a geocities site I was playing with before I got the blogdrive account. If you’d like to see the half-hearted attempt at blogging prior to this, click here.

Um. What else?

I’m just writing a paper on the PC, and it was like beep beep beep beep beep beep beep, and then, like, half of my paper was gone. Wait, that wasn’t me. That was Ellen Feiss.

Um. Okay. Diana’s reading over my shoulder now. Afraid that I have an obcession for Ellen. Nope. Just Geena Davis. Loved her in Beetlejuice.

Crap. Now I gotta go downstairs. Arrgh.

Be back to write more later.

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