
It has been a while since I have had the chance to write anything in this blog. Life has been rather hectic for me over the past few weeks.

We finally moved out of the mother-in-law’s. There was a big arguement between Diana and her mother, and it finally made us both so pissed off that we finally declared that we were out of there. The fun part was breaking the news to my family, which had yet to be fully moved out of their current home.

It was rather fun, trying to move them out and us in at the same time. Somehow, we did it.

So, Diana, Taron, and I are living in our own home now. What could be better.

Diana got a job a few days ago. She’s working in a factory in Paris, about 30 miles away. She’s a temp, but hopefully thejob can pan out and she can be staffed there in a few months.

I’m still in the dead end job that I love and adore.

I wonder how we’ll survive.

I have no schooling past that of high school. (My stupid ass thought that I might just take a year off, get a job, and squirrel away a small amount of money ’till the following year when I would go to college. That was five years ago.) I am not qualified to do anything more than manual labor, flip burgers, or bag groceries. I am going nowhere.

I cannot provide for my family.

I am a failure.

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