…another note on RCT6077W22: updates

So, I had noticed that only one of the three tablets had updated to a different build number… after fighting with them for a while, I figured out how to get them all up to what the updater service is claiming to be the latest release.

First, I had to force the update that was currently on the two lesser versions (1.0.1). To do this, I had to download the update, by telling the server that I had the previous version:

[on PC, visit]

After getting the update–1.0.1.zip–renamed it as update.zip, and pushed it to /sdcard via adb; rebooted tablet, RKUpdateService recognized an update file was there and asked to do the work. Tablet “upgraded” to build 1.0.1; after reboot, tablet asks to clear the old file–yes!–then hits the update server to see that 1.0.2 is available.

…I would have sworn that I had seen somewhere that there were newer builds, but I think the forum thread I read that on has gotten confused and is talking about more than one model of RCA tablet…

…anyway, the update server doesn’t respond well to changing that address above to any other version number, and the update app states that 1.0.2 is the latest. Logcat readout has RKUpdateService saying “no find remote update package…”

…so, I dunno. Maybe 1.0.2 is the latest–but I’m not sure… I noticed when I told the server a different model number I got it’s builds out of order… When I told it I was running 1.0.0 on the RCT6378W2, it gave me 1.0.2; when I told it I was running 1.0.1 it gave me 1.0.3–telling it 1.0.2 or any higher variation didn’t yield anything.

My adventures with eBooks: Getting your favorite Newspaper/Magazine/Blog via calibre

So, the other day I rambled on at length about eBooks and a little program called ‘calibre’… While writing that post, I ended up thinking, “hey, why not make a series of posts?” So, here it is–post number two…

In the previous post I had mentioned that one of the neat features of calibre was its ability to grab feeds from sites and turn them into a nifty little eBook for you to enjoy. If you want to use one of the included “recipes”, the operation is fairly simple; if you want to go further and try to make your own recipe for collecting your local newspaper’s feed, you can do that, too!

Using included recipes

Clicking the “Fetch News” button in the toolbar will open a window where the user can select from a number of news/blog sources–all sources are grouped by language. Here’s a screenshot showing example of what’s available:


After you’ve found a source you like, it’s as simple as telling calibre that you want it, and how frequently. (Option exists for some sources–such as the New York Times, as shown above–where you can enter a username and pass, so that calibre can login and get the ‘whole’ article or otherwise restricted content, rather than the snippet.)

Neat, eh?

How about taking it a step further–and have your news delivered to you!

If you’ve setup your email address in the calibre preferences as a way to ‘share’ books–see ‘sharing books by email’–then you can have your selected news sources emailed to you! For the most part, this process is self-explanatory–as such, I’m not gonna give instruction; but if you need help, there’s always the calibre manual…

Adding your own news source

Okay, this is an advanced topic that I’m still working on myself–but I wanted to include it, anyway. Rather than attempting to go over the process, let me redirect you to the MobileRead Forum topic: Using News Recipes: Start Here; there’s also the calibre manual page: Adding your favorite news source.

Once you’ve given those pages a peek, you can start tearing your hair out while debugging your own recipes!

…as for me, I’ve tried creating two recipes, one for the Lexington Herald-Leader and one for the Cynthiana Democrat. The Herald recipe kind of works–I have issue with it throwing in duplicate content; the Democrat was working up until they fixed an issue where their RSS feeds somehow opened a backdoor into viewing subscribed content…

Delivering your news without running the calibre GUI

Ok, this one is more advanced–and there’s a good chance that there’s a better way to do it; but…

I don’t like the idea of leaving calibre running all the time, but I want to be able to have my morning news emailed to me; enter a little bit of batch programming, the calibre command-line tools, and Windows Task Scheduler.

First, I placed the recipes that I wanted to call in a separate directory. (you’ll see where in the batch file, below.

I then located an example of a batch program–http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1193772&postcount=5–and then toyed with it until I got what I’m using below (yes, I’m a lazy–I left unnecessary stuff there, just remarking them out):

@echo on

rem -- set preconfigured feeds --
rem -- old feeds: AP ArsTechnica CNN HuffingtonPost Reuters WashingtonPost Wired
set feeds=HeraldLeader NYtimes

rem -- set custom feeds --
set recipes=C:\Calibre Library\_NEWS
set workdir=C:\Calibre Library\_NEWS

rem -- set calibre dir --
set calibre=C:\Program Files\Calibre2

rem -- set for email delivery --
set server=smtp.gmail.com
set port=587
set user=user@gmail.com
set pwd=password
set mailserver=-r %server% --port %port% -u %user% -p %pwd%

set subject=News:
set text="Calibre News Feed %DATE% %TIME%"

set from=user@gmail.com
set to=user@gmail.com

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------

rem chdir /d "%workdir%

echo %DATE% %TIME% Start Calibre News Feed > news.log
echo. >> news.log

for %%a in (%feeds%) do (

rem timer /nologo > nul
call "%calibre%\ebook-convert" "%recipes%\%%a.recipe" "%%a.EPUB"
call "%calibre%\calibre-smtp" %mailserver% -a "%%a.EPUB" -s "%subject% %%a" %from% %to% %text%
rem call "%calibre%\calibredb" add --tags="News, %%a" "%%a.EPUB"
del "%%a.EPUB"

echo %%a >> news.log
rem timer /nologo /s >> news.log
echo. >> news.log


echo %DATE% %TIME% End Calibre News Feed >> news.log

rem C:\Windows\system32\shutdown.exe /h

exit 0

Once I got that established, I launched Task Scheduler and set up times for Windows to launch the task. Voila! (albeit messy, and a half-assed job… but… I really don’t have any technical skills, and I do this sort of thing while keeping kids from killing each other!)

So, there it is, my second post on calibre!–more of an interest catcher than instruction/guide… but, hey, I’m sharing my adventures–hopefully yours will turn out better!

My adventures with eBooks: What are they, where to get ’em, and how to read & manage ’em.

Do you read eBooks? Do you know what an eBook is? And if you do read eBooks, do you know that there’s more available to you than what’s offered on your Kindle, Nook or iPad?

Come, take a journey with me, and let me introduce you to the world of eBooks as I experience it…

What is an eBook?

Okay, some of you may already know the answer–but then there’s likely a few of you that either don’t, or simply don’t understand the definition in the same way as I do. Skip ahead to the next section if you want, but I’d recommend reading what follows so that we’re on the same page…

The easiest way to define an eBook–referred to and spelled as e-book, eBook, e-Book, ebook, digital book, and even e-edition–is an electronic book; sounds simple, right? Well…

eBooks come in a variety of formats, and are available to read on a wide array of devices; some of the most popular ways of acquiring and reading eBooks involve using proprietary mobile devices and software, such as mobile phones and tablet computers–like iOS devices (iPhones, iPods and iPads), “eReaders” (like Barnes & Noble’s Nook and Amazon’s Kindle), and various Android devices (of which there are versions of the Nook and Kindle). For the Android devices–which are growing in number–there is an ever growing number of stores, libraries and apps available (like Nook & Kindle apps–these guys are serious about selling you books!); there’s even, of course, Google Play Books for Android devices certified by Google–that’s a whole other mess not worth delving into now (the whole Android device that doesn’t have Google… I’m not gonna get into that… but if you’ve got one, and feel like you got screwed, you’re not; trust me.)

…but, there’s more than just the eBooks on iTunes, Nook and Kindle–there’s books available on other eReaders (Sony’s one of the biggest); books available as PDF; books available as MOBI; EPUB; HTML; even plain ol’ ASCII TXT-files! And then, there’s the books available at your public or school libraries, which likely use something like OverDrive, Adobe Digital Editions, FollettShelf…

…is your head swimming, yet?

In short, the world of eBooks is much larger than what most of you have likely experienced. Wanna travel a little further down this rabbit hole? Continue reading…

Where to get eBooks

If you have some sort of eReader or tablet, you’ve likely discovered whatever bookstore or market app that was included. Awesome. Now, forget about those–because there is SO MUCH MORE!

Hop onto your favorite search engine and try to find places for free eBooks. Scared? Don’t be. Here, let me Google that for you.

On that first page, you’re likely to find Amazon and Barnes & Noble, sure; but keep looking… one of the top results should be Project Gutenberg–the first place I’d like to introduce you to. (But don’t forget to check out some of the other results at a later date!)

Project Gutenberg is–in a very simple definition–a collection of eBooks that are in the Public Domain; this means that all of the books in the collection are no longer subject to copyright, and are freely available for distribution to everyone without fear of someone calling foul on sharing something that should have been paid for. (This is a very basic in-a-nutshell sort of explanation; there is just a little more to it. Example: though books at gutenberg.org may be free of copyright in the U.S., someone may still have claim in another territory–the same is true in reverse for Gutenberg texts located in other countries. Also, there are a few books in the Project Gutenberg collection that are still under copyright, but have been given permission for distribution.)

eBooks available at Project Gutenberg are available in a variety of formats–all in TXT, many in MOBI, EPUB & HTML. Some eBooks even include images from the original text, making the experience even more delightful and enjoyable for younger audiences. On occasion these texts may fall victim to poor formatting or grammatical error–some accidental and some intentional (say, one eBook is copied from an original misprint); those with issues are usually caught and revised–some books are revised multiple times and even split into differing editions!

While we’re on the subject of Project Gutenberg and the public domain, let’s take a little side-step into a different type of “eBook”; let’s talk about the audio-book…

…chances are that you may have stumbled across audio-books on your eReader or tablet. If not, you’re missing out–that is, unless you don’t like audio-books. Oh, what’s an audio-book? Think back to “books-on-tape”…

Yes, you can get free audio-books, too. Check out my favorite collection of free audio-books at LibriVox. LibriVox is an organization of volunteers with a goal similar to that of Project Gutenberg–in fact, most of the texts being read at LibriVox come from Project Gutenberg. LibriVox recordings are available in multiple formats–MP3, M4B & Ogg–and can be recorded by single-reader, multiple-reader, and even cast-ensembles!

How to read eBooks

Okay, so you’ve now discovered where to get these eBooks; but how to read them? Well, this can, unfortunately, get complicated. No!–Don’t give up! Keep reading, I’ll tell you a few ways that’ll work, I promise!

If you’ve got your eReader/tablet and have read books from whatever initial store that was provided, you may already be halfway there! Now the problem might only exist in getting these free books that I’ve rambled on about onto your device. Before we go there, however, lets talk on the PC side of things, just in case you don’t have a neat little toy to read eBooks on. (and, yes–I’m sorry–when I say PC, I am speaking primarily about Windows. Awesome alternatives and solutions do exist for Macs and Linux; I’m just a Windows user… some of the solutions I’ll be giving–or similar ones–do exist on these platforms, so you may want to pay attention.)

TXT and HTML files you should already know how to handle–TXT in any text editor or word-processor; HTML in your browser–but what about those other formats? EPUB, MOBI, and PDF? PDFs you should also know–Adobe Acrobat Reader; if you don’t have it already, you must not be on the Internet, much. EPUBs and MOBIs–ah, the fun part.

EPUBs can be read by several programs, but I’ll recommend Adobe Digital Editions. Why? Well, chances are that you’ll soon be playing with books from other sites/sources that require ADE for borrowing/lending purposes; there are alternatives that have the ability to handle EPUBs with ADE encryption, but we might as well just use Digital Editions. Digital Editions also has a “library” feature where you can see all of the ebooks you’ve collected. You can get Adobe Digital Editions from http://www.adobe.com/products/digital-editions/download.html.

MOBIs, too, can be read by several programs, but I’ll go ahead and jump to the chase–Calibre. Why? Mainly because I’m going to introduce you to Calibre–or calibre, as it’s not supposed to be capitalized–shortly. Honestly, if you don’t want to get into the fun of advanced eBook management, you may just want to stick to grabbing EPUBs.

Did you grab some other format? Yeah, the answer is likely going to be calibre, again. Oh, and how am I going to recommend getting all these eBooks organized and copied over onto your device? Yeah… calibre. But, first…

Reading eBooks on your device

If you have a generic eReader or Android device, simple file copying should work. You may wish to consult your device’s manual on how to do it. In theory, it’s as simple as connecting the device, your PC seeing it as a “mass storage” or “media device” and offering up a window in which to copy your files to and fro. Other eReaders–plain Jane ones, like the original Kindle, etc.–may also allow you to email your eBook to the device; again, check with your manual, as it may only support a certain file-type. Now, how to read the file…

For plain eReaders, you should be golden after reading that last paragraph; if not, read the manual, search the web, and skip down to my section on calibre.

For iOS devices, you’ll need to seek out programs like Stanza in the iTunes store to support EPUBs and MOBIs; or you can skip down to my section on calibre. calibre is capable of syncing with iTunes, and converting the documents into a format suitable for iBooks. Other than that… Um… Internet search engines are your friend–sorry, I’m an Android guy.

For Android devices, I recommend either Aldiko or FBreader. Other apps are available–one other I use is OverDrive, as it’s used by the local public library. The last time I used OverDrive, I found some issue in importing some EPUBs; I don’t know if this issue still exists–and aside from that, your mileage may vary. FBreader can handle EPUBs, MOBIs. TXT, HTML, PDF and a few others–extended support is available through plugins. Personally, I use Aldiko as my primary eBook reader.

For Android devices like the Nook Color and Kindle Fire–I’m unsure, but believe that the aforementioned apps exist in your respective app stores/markets. Otherwise there are some awesome communities out there that will give you instructions on side-loading these apps onto your device.

…now for the more advanced topics…

Introducing calibre

Ah, calibre, how I love you… (BTW, it’s pronounced “cal-i-ber“, even though the -libre part does get inspiration from “libre”, meaning free.)

First, let me get back to those of you using Macs and running different flavors of Linux–yes, calibre is available for you! And for the latter, the developer is a Linux user–I’m not sure of what distro…

Okay, so what the heck is “calibre” and why have I been going on about it? calibre is a little bit of everything–it actually boasts being “The One Stop Solution to All Your E-Book Needs”; a statement which is quite honest, in my opinion. Initially started as a means to sync his first eReader to his PC, calibre developer Kovid Goyal turned his goal into managing and converting an ever growing mess of eBooks into a well organized digital-library; and he’s added several other features along the way. The simplest way to say what calibre is and what it does is to quote the bullet-list on calibre’s about page:

  • Library Management
  • E-book conversion
  • Syncing to e-book reader devices
  • Downloading news from the web and converting it into e-book form
  • Comprehensive e-book viewer
  • Content server for online access to your book collection

Sound like fun? If so, let’s press on; if not–that’s pretty much the end of my ramblings on eBooks for now…

Installing calibre

…it’s quick and easy! Head on over to calibre-ebook.com and download a copy. Personally, I use the 64-bit Windows version. (remember, I said I was a Windows user–Win7, to be specific–so I can’t speak on installation on other systems.)

When you run the install you’ll be asked where to create your new library. The default location will be under your user profile; I eventually ran into an issue with hitting the long file-names/file-path limit–so, I recommend creating a directory in your root folder (ie: C:\Calibre Library\).

After calibre has installed you can launch and see it’s rather pretty interface–me, yeah that was the first thing I changed. To change the look of calibre, mouse over to the >> and an option for preferences should appear. Click, go to Look and Feel, and make your changes–I chose to switch the UI style to “System Default”; layout to “Narrow”; Disable Animations; deselect splash screen; Icon size “Small”. If you make these changes, you’ll be prompted to restart.

Adding eBooks to calibre

Up in the top left, you’ll see an option to add books–if you click the icon, the default method of manually selecting single or multiple books from a single directory opens; if you click the drop-down, however, you’ll see there’s more than one way to add a book. For the first time user who wants to jump right in and add all the books they’ve collected, you might want to use the option “Add books…(Multiple books… every ebook file is a different book)”.

Sweet! Now you’re books are in a library! Now what?

Syncing books from calibre to your device

All of this info is available at: http://manual.calibre-ebook.com/faq.html#device-integration; extended help can be found at: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=166.

For iOS devices:

There are ways of going about this using your home network, via running calibre’s “web-server”–which is easy–but I’ll venture a guess that you’d rather go through iTunes. The process is simple, but getting there goes through some hoops that I really don’t want to type (or copy/paste). Instead, check out the topic at the MobileReads Forum: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118559.

For Android devices (and Kindle Fire):

Believe it or not, it should be as simple as plug in the device and start syncing where many Android devices can be seen as a USB Mass Storage Device by the PC. If this isn’t the case, make sure that you’ve enabled USB Mass Storage mode on your device–if it’s capable (this feature seems to be disappearing with the advent of JellyBean. Ability does still exist, you’ll just have to search the ‘net on how to do so). Also, check to see if there are specific drivers for your Android device to enable this (uncommon, but not entirely unusual). If this still doesn’t work, there’s other ways–keep reading.

For completely generic eReaders and a few name brands:

You should be able to have an ability in where you can connect the device as a “storage” device to your PC–check your manual; if so simply plugging the device in (and enabling whatever you need to for USB/storage mode) should work. If not, keep reading.

For nearly every device with WiFi and some sort of web-browser:

There’s always the option of enabling calibre’s web-server. The calibre web-server will not be able to reach the outside world unless you enable it to–and if you don’t know how to do that, then don’t worry, because you haven’t and likely don’t wanna know how. Enabling the web-server will give you the ability to use your device browser to pull up a page on your PC, displaying all of the books in your library. Don’t fear this–it’s one of the cooler features of calibre!

In the calibre toolbar, click connect/share and select Start Content Server (a firewall pop-up will likely open asking you if you want to allow calibre access; yes, you do). Click the connect/share button again, and you’ll see that the Content Server menu option now displays your PC’s IP address and a port number. Example–it may say something like, port 8080. Enter that address as in your eReader’s browser. Woot! Access to your library.

This method will only work if the PC you’re using to host calibre and the device you’re wanting to use are connected to the same network. (That should go without saying, but… There are those who may not understand… which kind of reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0zt4opqL18.)

If none of that stuff worked…

Head on over to the MobileRead forums: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=234. Chances are that an answer lies there.

Advanced uses / extending calibre

Okay, so we’ve gotten eBooks, started to organize them, and figured out ways of putting them on our favorite device–hopefully. Now what? Well, do you remember that I had mentioned something about calibre having a community of developers? Why not head on out and find some of the neat plugins available for calibre which may enhance your experience; I’d recommend taking some time to get yourself better acquainted with calibre first… you know… just to get more comfortable…

…but if you want to press on…

If you’re an uber-geek and already have a web-server running on your PC

…then you probably liked seeing calibre’s server, and wished that you could keep it running all the time; well you can! But… the only way to keep calibre’s server running is either by running it via command-line or running the main program with the server on at startup. Hmm. That’s a little heavy on the resources, and, well, you’ve already got a web-server running… If you’re geeky enough, you could write your own interface, or install one that’s already available! (For me, I chose the latter, because while I am smart enough to know what Apache is, and have an installation running, I’m not that creative.)

There are a couple different options available, but the two I’ve played with–and currently use–are COPS and CalibrePHP.

CalibrePHP is very good for desktop browsing; unfortunately it’s no longer in development–but, hey the code is open! I have seen a couple versions on github, but believe that their developers have stopped active work as well. I’d like to offer up which versions I’ve combined; but I can’t remember where I got them…

COPS is awesome if you’re using an eReader/app that makes use of OPDS. COPS is lightweight, and its browser interface is fairly appealing to the eye. Development for COPS is very active, and the code is available on github.

If you like reading newspapers/magazines

…then you might want to check out the recipes for pulling articles from the web and publishing them as an eBook. I’ve toyed with making two such recipes, one half-way works, the other, not so much, where the newspaper made changes to requiring subscription access. Your mileage may vary; but there are over 1000 recipes already included!

If you want to convert your Kindle book to a different format

…whoa… hang on there. While this can be done, in most cases you’re talking about needing to break DRM; something which calibre won’t do out of the box, and something that you won’t get support for. I will say that it can be done…

…but I’m not posting that here…

Learn more about eBooks, calibre, and how to create a digital library that would be the envy of your public library

Head over to the MobileRead Forums, which also hosts a slough of free eBooks–all legitimate, DRM free and either released in the public domain or under creative commons.

Also, check out the calibre blog for various tips, tricks and feature announcements.

…more adventures in my experiences with eBooks will be posted soon.

RCA Tablet – RCT6077W22

0006211876077_Color_Blue_SW_500X500…just some geeky info… call this post a work-in-progress (that I may or may not re-visit)

USB drivers for ADB, etc… Just grab the latest generic Google USB drivers – http://developer.android.com/sdk/win-usb.html#download

after driver has installed, create/edit the ‘%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini’ file… (the value we’re adding is the Vendor ID — 0x2207)

# USE 'android update adb' TO GENERATE.

…and, bingo! adb access!

If side-loading apps, go into settings->Apps, and start moving things over to “NAND FLASH”… apps seem to like going into the “Internal Storage” [/data] area which is apparently supposed to be reserved for the system/pre-loaded apps–space here is quite limited. “NAND FLASH” area [/sdcard], however, is roughly 5GB of open space.

How to: Time Record WCYN’s CoffeeBreak on your PC

Earlier today I dusted off an old post–”Time Record Streaming Audio“–and said that I would attempt to follow the instructions to record CoffeeBreak again. Well, I did it–but I didn’t go about it in the same way that I said I would…

In the article I referenced, call was made for Mplayer and three other programs–two of the three still exist as linked in the source article; the third program isn’t there, but an equivalent can be found. I tried that set-up, and it worked… but, I had a problem that bothered me; for some reason I would only get audio on the right channel. After making numerous attempts–and failures–at telling Mplayer to downmix things to mono, I gave up and tried my hand at using FFmpeg. FFmpeg worked perfectly, and gave me a few other options as well…

First, by using FFmpeg, I was able to successfully downmix the audio into a mono mp3 instead of the sourced AAC with a missing left-channel. Additionally, I was able to skip using those three other programs, as FFmpeg will record for a specified length on it’s own. Finally, I added in the switches to encode id3 tags into the output file, if I want to transfer the file to an iPod, or archive it to a personal library.

So, anyway, here’s what I did, if you wanna take a whack at it yourself:

1. Download and “install” FFmpeg – http://ffmpeg.org/download.html

For me, I followed the link over to grab the 32-bit Windows version–http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win32/static/ffmpeg-20121125-git-26c531c-win32-static.7z. Unzip using 7zip to whatever location you like; I put it in the root directory (creating C:\ffmpg).

2. Create a folder for your recordings.

I chose to make a WCYN folder in the root (C:\WCYN)

3. Create a .bat or .cmd file; save it in the created folder.

I created a batch file using a couple of different guides and the ffmpeg documentation. Eventually I came up with this:

for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set DATEFORMATTED=%%k-%%i-%%j
start "CoffeeBreak" /min c:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i http://stream.us.gslb.liquidcompass.net/WCYNAMAAC -ac 1 -t 01:05:00 -metadata title="WCYN's CoffeeBreak w/ Doug Miller & Betty Gayle" -metadata genre="Talk" -metadata date="%DATEFORMATTED%" -metadata album="WCYN's CoffeeBreak" -metadata album_artist="Doug Miller & Betty Gayle" -id3v2_version 3 c:\WCYN\CoffeeBreak_%DATEFORMATTED%.mp3

and saved it as recordCoffeeBreak.cmd. I placed this in the WCYN folder.

4. Set up a scheduled task for the batch file.

In Win7, hit start, and start typing “schedule”; the task scheduler will show in the found programs–select it. Over on the right will be an option to create a basic task; select it. In the dialog that opens, give the task a name–I chose “Record CoffeeBreak”; click next. Now we say when the task is triggered; daily, next; change the time – I chose to run it a minute before 8:00am; next. Now we say what we want the task to accomplish–start a program, click next. In the Program/Script field, browse to and select the batch file; next, finish.

5. We’re done!

Everything here should work on any Windows PC; scheduling the task will vary, of course, dependent upon your operating system. The string in the batch file for executing ffmpeg will be similar to what you’ll need to run it on another system–google around, and I bet you’ll find instructions.

…and a quick explanation of my batch file:

The first line grabs the system date and assigns it to a variable that we can recall in the naming of the file and stamping a date in the id3 tag.

The second line opens a minimized command window
(start "CoffeeBreak" /min),
executes ffmpeg using the WCYN stream as the input
(c:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i http://stream.us.gslb.liquidcompass.net/WCYNAMAAC),
instructs ffmpeg to make the audio mono and record for an hour and five minutes–extra in case they run long
(-ac 1 -t 01:05:00),
write in all the id3-tag info
(-metadata title="WCYN's CoffeeBreak w/ Doug Miller & Betty Gayle" -metadata genre="Talk" -metadata date="%DATEFORMATTED%" -metadata album="WCYN's CoffeeBreak" -metadata album_artist="Doug Miller & Betty Gayle" -id3v2_version 3)
and save it

…so, if you’re really bored, or really want to keep up with what’s going on in Cynthiana, give this stuff a shot!

NOTE: This how-to tutorial is only being posted for the purposes of a home audience member recording the program for playback in their own home, on their own device at a later date; kind of like the good old days of having a tape deck hooked up to the stereo.

WCYN does make copies of their program available for sale–

Audio copies of CoffeeBreak are available by request $5.00 for cassettes and $10.00 for CD’s. Programs are only archived for a period of 5 business days.

If you want a high-quality, straight from the source recording, contact WCYN and buy a copy of the program!

via Being Jeremiah Palmer https://kg4vma.duckdns.org/2012/11/27/how-to-time-record-wcyns-coffeebreak-on-your-pc/

Time-Record Streaming Audio Revisited Post

In January of 2008, I had discovered a way of recording streaming audio. I had been excited about the prospects of this, as I would then be able to record WCYN‘s audio stream–primarily Coffeebreak–and playback the audio when I was available to hear it. Since that time, I had fallen away from listening to WCYN; WCYN has also changed the service they use for streaming their audio.

This morning I sat down and dug up the old post, and searched through my Internet connections to see where I can find the current WCYN audio stream. For anyone interested, the current audio stream is:

I haven’t yet tried to record the stream to see if the old rules stilll apply, but I am fairly confident that they will; as I am currently listening to the stream via Winamp instead of the flash-based pop-up player that WCYN/LiquidCompass supply.

Instructions I’ll be attempting to use again to set up time recording of WCYN’s Coffebreak are available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20151209164214/http://www.minezone.org:80/blog/2006/08/17/record-streaming-radio-using-free-software/

via Being Jeremiah Palmer https://kg4vma.duckdns.org/2012/11/27/time-record-streaming-audio-revisited-post/

Time-Record Streaming Audio

I found a neat way for me to time record Coffeebreak now, so I’ll never have to miss it again! With minimal tinkering, it works like a charm… Follow the link below to see where I found the instructions to do it:

Record Streaming Radio Using Free Software – MineZone Blog