tired and at home

Well, I’m home now, or at least I will call it home, seeing as it is where my dear Diana and I are hanging our hats. Not my idea of home, though.

See, we’re living at Linda & Fred’s (My in-laws, mom & stepdad, to be exact). Not too much fun. Linda can be a royal bitch at times, and Fred, well, he tries to stay out of Linda’s way. Kinda reminds me of us (not! though, Diana can be a bitch……..)

Of course, every woman can be a bitch. It’s their God given right dammit! Just some exercise it more than others, and take it to extremes.

Anyway, Diana is pouting, because I’m not taking nudie pics of her. Instead, I’m having her do a portion of the homework assignment that she has to do, which I will be completing shortly. I have a way of writing essays that is MUCH better than hers, so whenever she has an essay assignment, I, for some stupid reason, get to do it.

Oh, but I love her anyway. I’ll bet that I will have the tar beaten out of me when she reads this. She can be mean at times. Especially in bed. *nudge-nudge, wink-wink, say-no-more*

Now I’v gotten her paranoid. She thinks that I am writing all sorts of mean, nasty, ugly things about her. She thinks I’m pissed because I have to write her paper.


Once more I am running out of things to say. For someone who just said they had a nice little way of writing, I sure as hell am failing to prove it.

Yay, I judt got told about some stupid thing that happened on Maury.

I hate talkshows.

I really don’t care to hear about ’em either.

Oh, I’m getting tired! Think I’ll leave for now.

scary stalkers

I just realized that if you, the reader, are very resourceful, you could figure out who I am, where I live, and where I work.

Sorry, I’m not giving you any hints.

Looks like I may be getting two toys for free. We set out two TYCO RC Bass Boats, 600-4338, Discontinued December 25, 2003, on the counter. They’re now a buck each. They were returned, because they’re defective, and we just want to be rid of them. If nobody buys them, I get to take ’em. Their defect? They only steer to the left.

Rob’s walking around the store. Aimlessly, I think.

Bored, bored, bored. BORED!

Slow day.

blog day at the shack

If you haven’t caught on yet, I am trying to keep writing all day. Sure, I could simply re-edit my original entry, and just keep adding to it, but I’d rather do this.

Okay, the call rob took a few minutes ago:

Lady signed up for a plan with Cingular back in December. Called us today to ask about her “free minutes”. She was referring to the Bonus 500 rollover monutes. Fact is, she most likely will not get them unless she raises a fuss with Cingular. She signed up on a 29.99, and rollover starts at 39.99. A few days later, she did go up to the 39, however the bonus rollover is only available at time of activation.

Just made an old lady upset. She came in looking for an antiquated ink. She needed a Canon BC 20. Deleted from the product line on October 7, 2000. We still had one in stock. Sold it to her for half-off original price. She’s worried that she may never find ink for it again.

I hate when people call and ask “what time do you close”.

I’m starting to find myself at a loss of words. I can’t think of what else to say.

We are still tripping up our prepaid customers on the price of airtime. In KY, airtime is taxable. At one point in time, we sold our airtime like everyone else. A $20 card would be $20 + tax = $21.20 . Later, we decided to give customers a break, a $20 card would be $18.87 + tax = $20. Now, we’ve reverted to the old method.

Gonna go smoke again.

Kids with expensive phones

Just had a kid come in asking for a case for their Motorola T720. What parent, in their right mind, would activate a line for their child, and give them one of the most expensive phones out there? Hope they added insurance to that account.

One customer in the store right now. Davis. He’s a friend. Right now, he’s just browsing. Playing with the Pioneer car audio display.

Looks like he’s leaving now. He says he’ll be back in a few days to get a V120t PIB. We have ours priced at $89.99 instead of Cingular’s recommended $99.99.

Kid with the T720 just came back in. He’s browsing now. He’s interested in a Rugged Case.

Stepped away for a few. Had a few more customers come in.

Boring day.

Slow day.

Kid is back in.

I just sold him the case. $14.99 plus tax. Yippee.

Rob’s trying to find out information on a transaction that (partially) occured yeaterday. Somebody needed airtime, LeAnn added it to the account, and the customer hasn’t purchased it yet. Okay, here’s the story:

We have one customer who adds airtime before they pay (okayed by Diane manager/owner). That customer called in for a friend who needed airtime. Big stupid mess. It’s gonna lose money. Oh, well. No way to tell Diane that she’s an idiot for some of her business ethics.

Now Rob’s talking about Shandra. Shandra is his live-in girlfriend. Shandra’s dog ate the antenna off of his new cordless phone. 430-3851. Ugly phone.

Jay just came in. He’s getting ready to leave. Went to the restroom. He bought 38 new guns.

Rob is talking to an upset customer over the phone.

gotta go.


Two sales, since I left you.

One customer needed 274-0709 and then the other got 278-1640.

The dialog spoken during the motorola plug sale was the kind that I like to here.

SON: I need a…(interrupted by father)
FATHER: I broke the antenna for my radio.
SON: His car stereo. We need a replacement plug.
ME: Okay (and walk over to the wall, pick one up, and hand it to the son)
SON: That’s it. (Looks to FATHER) I told you they’d have it.
FATHER: I wonder why the one in the mall didn’t have it.

That’s the kinda thing I like to hear. We try to keep all the stuff that a corporate store doesn’t, and then make sure that we KNOW what everything is. Corporate stores are terrible. Let me explain why.

A few months ago, I went to apply for a Sales Associate position in the Corporate RadioShack world. Went to the District Office (which is in Georgetown, perhaps one of the worst stores in the area) for the orientation. Yes orientation. They give you, and anyone else who shows, a kind of introduction and pep-talk before and during the application process. I guess it’s supposed to help weed out the riff-raff. I think of it as a big horn-blowing ceremony where they can say that they are the best, hire only the best, pay the best (if you sell the most), eat, shit, and die the best…….

Anyway, the main focus of RadioShack’s hiring process is to find people who are motivated sellers. They don’t give a rat’s ass if you know what in the hell something does, just as long as you can sell it. That’s almost the words that were told to me by the one Store Manager (I can’t remember which store, but believe it was one in Lexington) after he read my application and found that I have a background in a Franchise store. He dropped and ashamedly shook his head while he told me that they hire sales people, and then try to train them to know something. You could know everything about electronics, and still, not be hired if you can’t sell, sell, sell.

Shove those HTIBs and wireless phones down every customer’s throat. (my opinion, not a quote or anything). Ignore the DIYers, what they want either can’t be done (sometimes true, but not all the time) or we don’t have it (when it’s hanging on the wall, hidden in a corner, covered in dust).

That’s why the parts bins were introduced. A giant signal to the associate to stay away from this customer, because they probably know what they want, and if you interfere you’ll just fuck up the sale.

I’m sorry. I don’t really care for RadioShack’s practices anymore.

I’ll be right back. I need to step outside for a smoke. (our store is non-smoking)

Free Day!

Well, there’s appearently not anything for us to do here at work, so Rob said we have a free day. Don’t know whether I can handle that. Slow days with nothing to do aren’t any fun. It’d be better if we had some sort of little project to tackle.

As of 2:30pm, our sales are at nearly $450. Not much, but decent.

This will probably be a really long day.

So, what all can I tell you, since I have ample time?

I will be needing to find another job (either in addition to my current, or just a total replacement). Our hours are going to be slimmed down (the employee hours, not store hours). Diane (owner-to-be) told us that because of the expense of this business transfer, she will be unable to support paying all of us for the hours that we have become accustomed to (which, really aren’t that many, like 30 hours a week). So, Diane and her hubby, Mark, will be manning the store for most of the time, so that “free” labor will save expenses.

I need to get another job anyway. Something with health benefits for my family.

Sorry, I failed to mention that. I am married (just recently, actually, January 6th, to be precise). Diana, my beloved wife, and I are expecting the arrival of our son, Taron, in February. (I know, if you do the math, which is so obviously easy, you’ll find that we’ve actually been together for quite a bit longer than the period we have been married.)

I really don’t know how to tell you about Diana. Everything I would say would be so tightly wrapped in loving emotion, and I have a very difficult time trying to convey feelings in writing. Perhaps, instead, I may offer you a little bit of insight into her character by giving you this link.

I keep glancing towards the front of the store, expecting a customer to arrive. Oops, spoke too soon.

630.1162 not 200.1612

Blogging at the store. Rob just took a return on 200.1612. The gentleman’s wife bought him that, when he wanted 630.1162. Oh, well. Only a $350 (plus tax) return.

Don’t know what all to say. Just kinda bored and wanted to actually write something.

Been looking for abandonware. Old DOS apps mainly. Found several old games. Haven’t found the apps that I want though. I would like to see if I can find a copy of an old program I used to have. Microsoft Show Partner. It was (in a nutshell) a DOS based version of PowerPoint. It was fun to play with.

Matt just activated a V120t PIB (Cingular KIC). Used to be a piece of cake to do so, however, where the store is transferring ownership, our usual methods of performing credit apps and activations is down. We were able to just log into a secure website, and input all the necessary info, but now we can’t do so. We no longer have any login information, so we have to call up CAS to do so.

Business is slow, yet we have somehow manged to pull in $1355 in sales thus far. Mostly Cingular KIC airtime, I suspect. At least our online application of airtime still works. Customers think it’s the coolest thing, that we can apply airtime to their accounts, directly, in real time, and don’t need their phone.

Speaking of adding airtime, Matt is now helping a customer. $20. Whoopee! One of our regulars. Hell, all of our prepaid customers are regulars (and if not, they soon become a regular, because of the immediate airtime minus the headache).

When I first started working here, there was only one way to get airtime. Buy a card, scratch the back, dial a number, put in those numbers. We did that process for our customers, as well. A nice gesture that would keep them coming back. Nobody wanted to waste their time dialing. I had gotten very fast at it.

Jay just stopped in to talk a bit, before leaving. Jay runs a gun shop next door (the space is sub-let by us). Jay’s a good guy.

Crap! Just lost a sale! (wouldn’t have been much, but still, its the principal) Guy needed two 4ft sections of RG6 with weatherproofed F connectors. Our satellite installer, who also happens to be the upcoming owner/outgoing manager ‘s husband, took the rest of our bulk quantity RG6 (UV Protected, Outdoor-rated).

Well, I gotta go, it’s getting close to closing time, and I need to count out this terminal’s drawer.