EDMG340 Week 1 Forum – Definition and Scope of Consequence Management

Just because it is a terrible act, is it an act of terrorism? State and support your position.

[NOTE: I’d began to write this response the morning prior to the actual submission; unfortunately family matters arose, leaving me no choice but to turn away from the task. Since that time more events and responses have unfolded on the news—including a threat against a nearby community’s mosque.]

As noted in the course materials and other forum responses, terrorism can be a difficult term to define; throughout most definitions, however, a basic concept evolves as terrorism being an act in which fear is employed at the start or reveals itself as an end result. Frequently, the terrorist acts are taken in resistance to or against some law, practice or ideology; conversely, the element of fear may very well be the trigger of a terroristic act.

In a prior response to this question, I’d suggested that the American Revolutionary War—or certain events taking place prior to and during the period—could easily be seen as terroristic acts on either side of the pond. In particular, I presented a view where I played the role of devil’s advocate, and became a British sympathizer. This view works well the notion that, “One person’s freedom fighter is another person’s terrorist.”

As I sat down to think of a new response to this prompt, I couldn’t help but think of some of our recent events in the states, and the response and attention given to them. One could easily argue that what transpired in San Bernardino was a terrorist act, regardless to whether the couple was acting alone or as free-agents to some radical Islamist group. The couple committed an act which was “terrible” and egregious—one that cost a decent number of lives—and an act which was easily seen as being religiously motivated—practitioners of the Muslim faith waging an attack against persons at a Christmas party. Instead of focusing on the couple and what transpired, however, my thoughts went in a different direction; instead, I have decided to declare Donald J. Trump a terrorist.

As I sat briefly on my couch this morning waiting for the children to finish readying themselves for school, I heard Matt and Savannah discuss Trump’s latest statements, and how he believes that the nation should disallow any and all persons of Muslim faith entry—regardless of whether they are Syrian, or have ties to any IS-variant state. Trump’s comments—as “innocent” as they may be for the time being—do have the potential of being viewed as being terroristic in some nature or fashion, inasmuch as they might be seen as a form of fear-mongering for the purposes of political gain.

Might one be able to say that these loose words are a terrible act? As a matter of opinion, yes, they can, and as was reported in this morning’s news, they are already being seen as such. At this point, we may only be observing a citizen voicing their opinion on a matter; movements have started this way—and have resulted in true terroristic acts in the name of varied gods, countries and political revolutions. Could Trump’s words potentially create an upheaval in American society and spark some sort of movement where homegrown terrorism thrives? Potentially; and if that remark sounds a bit far-fetched, wouldn’t that be something that President Obama did attempt to address when he spoke to the nation this past Sunday evening?

The point I am trying to make in this post—as it may not yet be clear to many—is that an act of terrorism does not even need to be a “terrible act,” but can be as simple as someone putting forth an idea—part of the conclusion Lutz & Lutz drew at the end of the chapter that terrorism is merely a form of psychological warfare. So, to that effect—and to answer the prompt—no, a terrible act isn’t necessarily an act of terrorism, per se. In my original response to the very question, I’d shown that our terrible acts against what had been our mother country turned into what we regard as one of the greatest moments in our history. In this response, I’ve gone off on a siderail, stating how a simple man’s comments can be interpreted as terroristic, and could potentially lead to truer acts of terrorism.

[…and to clarify, yes, I understand that Trump’s response is a reaction to a terroristic event; however, one would be foolish to deny the off-chance that some uneducated zealot may take his words as a call to action and start a movement.]

EDMG340 Forum Introduction


I hate the introductory part of class. There. I said it. Right off the bat. And I kind of feel better about myself for doing it.

As you might guess from that opening, I’m not much on proper sentence structure either…

<sarcasm>…wouldn’t my elementary grammar teachers be proud?</sarcasm>

But, seriously…

My name is Jeremiah—but I go by Jeremy to close friends, sometimes Palmer to a rare few, and I’m pretty sure I’ve been called a dozen other more colorful names by my ex-wife. And, yeah, I guess I’ll go ahead and delve into that painful subject, as it is a part of my life—whether I’d like it to be or not.

I’m a divorced, single father of three, struggling to provide as best as I can—which is way less than I’d like to; fortunately, the children recognize my struggles, and they handle it remarkably well, considering the hell that it is.

We’d been a family of five up through Easter of 2014—up until that day when our wife and mother decided to leave us for an old male friend of hers that had just returned to the area the day prior. Yes, I’m still a bit bitter about it, and likely will be for years to come. The only good outcome from that mess was her realization that the children would be much better off at home with me than with her and her new beau—and soon to be fourth ex-husband. I suppose I do get a slight feeling of schadenfruede from that last point… But…

[…I could continue to write at great length on that mess—and how wonderful it would be to vent all of that anger and frustration!—but, really, it’d be rather pointless to do so…]

A few months ago I decided to re-enroll in school, since I’ve not had much success in finding better employment. Presently, I’m working on a part-time basis at a local radio station—WCYN. I was originally hired last year to operate the board during remote broadcasts of a neighboring county’s high school sports events on the FM; since that time I’ve taken on the duties of Saturday and Sunday morning productions on both the AM and FM stations. I often fill-in for some of our local sports remotes when the regular guy isn’t available to run the board—I’m kind of hoping that I might just take his spot, but I digress.

…that’s something else about me—I frequently go off rail and give a little side-note or commentary whenever I am speaking in a more personal manner. I’ve been complimented on this odd ability to briefly leave topic and circle right ‘round to the beginning again; oft-times I’ve left people bewildered as to how I can keep separate, yet connected thoughts straight… but, again, I digress—and in a digression, no less!

My interests in Emergency Management stem from my father—our county’s current EM Director. His involvement in EM can trace back to some of his childhood interests—a few of which may come from his father before him. My grandfather had been a fireman at one point in his life—though I sadly must admit that I’m not aware of his position within the local department; I have, however, seen a picture of him posed on a knee in one of the bays, dressed in the old blue work uniform, holding a rather large teddy for a Toys-for-Tots drive. As for my father, though, I believe it was a combination of his dad’s service interests and an interest in CB radio that helped guide him. My dad eventually became involved in a long since defunct REACT team that had been very active in assisting with Civil Defense efforts in the community. At some point in the ‘90s that REACT’s local president was tapped to become the next Disaster and Emergency Services coordinator—a few short years before DES was rebranded and reorganized as EM. The DES coordinator ended up roping my father into helping him rewrite the EOP, and perform a lot of the clerical duties that were becoming more and more “tech” dependant—and it was here that I started to become pulled into helping a bit.

In the late ‘90s—circa 1997, I think—my dad asked me if I could help figure out how to network a couple of computers, set up a Juno email account, and manage a GeoCities page. Eventually, that background work led to my becoming a deputy with the Cynthiana – Harrison County Emergency Management Agency in the latter part of August ’01. I was very “active” through the first couple of years, up until I was married and my son born in 2004. In the years that followed, my role became less of an active “agent”—lack of a better word—to a digital face in the background while I filled greater duties at home as a house-husband. I ended up establishing myself as the guy charged with creating and maintaining an online presence and interacting with the public on social media—long before that even became a “thing.” Yes, our local agency’s Twitter account and Facebook page pre-dates many of Kentucky’s counties’ accounts/pages—and even KYEM’s!

Unfortunately, turmoil at home caused issue with my abilities to maintain things as regularly as I believed I should, and eventually became a repeated point of argument in my marriage; truth be told, so did earlier attempts at schooling here at APU—which is a grand portion of the reason why I am currently enrolled in this class alone for this eight week period. I am on academic probation thanks to numerous failed attempts at schooling during those final years of my marriage.

Following my divorce, I eventually wrote the most difficult email I’d ever written in my life—I resigned from my duties and involvement from the local EM. This was an especially difficult thing to do, where the person I had to notify was now my father—he’d become the director about a year or two after I had been sworn in as a deputy. Though the message was professional and dry, a hidden subtext that only him and I could see was present; “Dear Dad, I’m a f***-up, and can’t do it anymore…”

Sadder still—to me, anyway, as I know the following I’d built—the agency’s domain and hosting were allowed to expire, and posts to social media are few and far between—and less than timely.

Meanwhile, I’ve continued to hang on as best I can in giving the children as close to a “normal” life as possible, while their mother flits in and out of their lives when it’s convenient for her. Back to the point where I say this is hell.

I’m a thirty-five year-old single (divorced) father, with kids at home, no real job to speak of, an incomplete college education, no “real” experience outside that of being a stay at home dad, and I’ve a crazy ex- that only contributes when it’s convenient. It’s hell.

…but that thing of being a dad—and being the custodial parent on top of everything…

…yeah; there’s still a little slice of heaven in my life.

So, for now, I’m praying that I can find a way to better support the kids. I’m also praying that I might find some better sense of the turns life has taken us, and looking forward to the day that someone will join us on this journey. (Ha!—try dating on top of all this; it’s impossible!)

But, I guess that’s about it for now… If for some reason you’d like to know more, you can find almost anything by google-ing my regular Internet handle—which is also my Ham call: KG4VMA. You’ll find me almost everywhere—though I’m not as active online as I’d once been. You might even find a few old assignments for other classes posted to my blog, if you really get to digging. For those that are really daring and bored, you can try and message me and strike up a conversation, though I can’t guarantee an immediate reply—I’m going to be begging, borrowing and stealing Internet access for another month or so. Well, not stealing—everyone around has finally wised up and is using good wireless encryption these days…

…and if by some miracle you’re a cute girl that’s looking to find a broken dad… lol.



Anyway, nice to meet you guys. Hope we have some fun in this class.

– Jeremiah Hall Palmer

(EDMG340) Assignment 5 – Managing the Event

The following writing was originally submitted in response to a homework assignment:

Title Assignment 5 – Managing the Event
Due Nov 4, 2012 11:55 pm
Number of resubmissions allowed Unlimited
Accept Resubmission Until Mar 7, 2013 11:55 pm
Status In progress
Grade Scale Points (max 100.0)

Summarize how the ICS process might be used in a disaster. You may either make-up a scenario or utilize a historical incident and discuss ICS utilization within that event. In doing so you should give some thought and supporting discussion to the history and inception of ICS along with each of its component organizational elements and how they are or might be employed given a particular situation.
In doing so, you are encouraged to download and complete the following Courses from the Federal Emergency Management Agency:
IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/is/is700a.asp
IS-800 National Response Framework http://www.training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is800b.asp
You might also consider IS-100 and IS-200 courses.
 None of these free FEMA online training courses will add to or detract from your grade in this class – I simply offer them as a means of broadening your foundational knowledge.
Again your work in this assignment must be a minimum of 500 words and should as well utilize APA formatting.
Save your work as a Microsoft Word or WordPerfect document entitled:
“CMT5 YourLastName.doc” (i.e., CMT5-Jones.doc) and upload as your Week 5 written assignment.

Week 5 Assignment

Jeremiah Palmer (4145412)



Christian Kazmierczak





In a prior course, students were given the following scenario to respond to on the final exam:

SCENARIO: At 10:05a.m. today, a hurricane/earthquake/tornado/flood hit the community of Edenton. The downtown area was hardest hit. People have reported damage to homes, and businesses have been affected as well. No fatalities have been reported. Three people with injuries have been taken to the Edenton Community Hospital, which is also reporting some damage. As many as 10 people are missing.

The downtown fire station is destroyed/inoperable. Two other fire stations are operational.

Other possible effects:

  • A large fire has broken out in downtown
  • Water mains are cut
  • 10 percent of the population has sustained injuries
  • Utility lines are down
  • Animals in the zoo have escaped from their cages
  • Looters are rampaging downtown
  • Sewers have backed up, endangering public health
  • Many houses are destroyed/inhabitable and shelters will be needed
  • A hazardous spill has occurred
  • A major road has been affected.

Students were asked to develop an Incident Command System for the scenario, defining roles and responsibilities for the functions that should be included. For this week’s assignment I am offering a similar response[1] to the one I had given for the aforementioned scenario.


Establishing Command

With the events at Edenton being as described above, recommendation should be made for the establishment of a Unified Command (UC) at the community’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC). In the event that the primary EOC is located in the downtown area, command should take place at the designated secondary EOC location; if by chance a secondary EOC has not been previously designated, then a temporary base of operations for the EOC needs to be located. Potential secondary locations may include schools, civic buildings, empty factories/warehouses—any location that has relatively easy access to utilities and can be secured if necessary. The relocation of the EOC to a secondary site is advisable, as the primary—assuming it is located downtown—may be affected by the fires and looting.

Structure of Command and Sections

The UC structure of the EOC would be comprised of the local EM director and applicable top-level government heads—mayor and/or judge-executive or local government equivalents and their respective deputies/assistants. Prior to this event, the UC has been structured so that one member is designated as overall IC, while the remaining act in traditional top-level command staff capacities—PIO, safety, liaison.

Below the UC are established the following sections: Operations (OPS), Planning (PLAN), Logistics (LOG) and Finance/Administration (ADMIN).

OPS could potentially have a section chief, or could operate without one; operating without a section chief may create difficulty in OPS branches communicating with the IC and UC, but is feasible. OPS section chief should be someone experienced in managing a crisis and knowledgable of communication and practices of the OPS branches—communication issues should be negligible as plain-language is supposed to be used across the board. Potential candidates for OPS Chief are the Deputy EM or a commissioner/council-man/magistrate sitting over public safety. The OPS section would be comprised of several operating branches for this incident, each headed by their respective chief/top-level administrator:

  • FIRE branch;
  • LAW enforcement branch;
  • public HEALTH branch;
  • ANIMAL control branch;
  •  public WORKS branch;
  • UTILITIES branch.

The remaining sections would not necessarily have the need for branches; supporting staff might be advisable to aid in any “gopher” activities.

Structure and Duties of Sections

PLAN could easily be filled by an EM staff member or a commissioner/council-man/magistrate. PLAN would work closely with UC, LOG and OPS in compiling information and keeping all sections and command briefed with SITREPs. PLAN would also work closely with the PIO in gathering and distributing information to and from the public.

LOG could be staffed in a manner similar to PLAN. LOG would be in constant communication with OPS and PLAN for the purposes of locating and supplying any necessary resources or materials. LOG would be responsible for locating outside sources for assistance that do not already have an MOU/MOA with OPS branches (agencies with pre-existing MOU/MOA would be contacted by the respective OPS branch); should an agency be located, LOG would forward said agency to ADMIN for event-specific MOU/MOA processing.

ADMIN could be staffed similarly to PLAN and LOG; however recommendation should be made for the city/county attorney to fill this position. ADMIN would work closely with OPS, PLAN, LOG and the UC for record keeping, document processing/filing as well as tallying costs and damages.

Operations and Functions of Branches and Sections

In regards to particular actions to take in this incident, recommended actions are—though not necessarily in this exact order:

FIRE should dispatch available units to control and suppress the fires downtown. Since the possibility exists that looting and fire could spread to other locations, FIRE should attempt to keep at least one engine and its crew at out-lying stations; this is, of course, at FIRE’s discretion. FIRE will have notified outside agencies with established MOU/MOA per SOP/SOG; additional fire support may be located by LOG.

WORKS should make attempts to feed water to mains in downtown area for FIRE activities. Water supply to HEALTH facilities are next priority. All areas of town outside of the active FIRE area should be restricted, limited, or shut-off at WORKS discretion. WORKS may attempt to patch or divert sewage systems to keep issues from occurring at HEALTH facilities. LOG may be able to locate emergency above-ground lines and pumps for both potable and non-potable water systems.

HEALTH should obtain a SITREP from the local hospital and establish satellite medical centers for the purposes of First Aid and lower priority medical cases; potential locations for these satellite medical centers are established clinics and health departments. At least one ambulance—if the service(s) allow capacity—should be located at each satellite center for emergency transport and assistance should a case present itself with higher degree of trauma at a satellite. HEALTH should coordinate with PLAN and LOG for acquisition of additional supplies and personnel.

UTILITIES will coordinate with all public service utilities—save those covered by WORKS—for SITREPs. Electricity and communications lines to the EOC, dispatch and repeater sites as well as HEALTH sites will be priority. Emergency services bases and satellites will be secondary, prioritizing by location’s capacity and ability to generate alternate power. UTILITIES will want to coordinate with LOG for locating generators and fuel for these affected locations should they not be previously equipped.

ANIMAL control will assist with the operations at the local zoo for the locating/capture/holding of lost/escaped animals. ANIMAL will receive additional assistance from Fish & Wildlife—Fish & Wildlife will be contacted by LOG.

LAW will establish a presence in the areas affected by looting; however, LAW will not make any arrests or use force to counteract the looting in progress—any such maneuver may incite additional rioting. Instead, LAW will act to protect properties that have not been looted.

LOG will contact National Guard for additional support for LAW, FIRE, HEALTH and WORKS; most Guard units—especially engineer battalions—are trained for all of these situations.

FIRE—if not equipped as a HAZMAT team—should dispatch one qualified unit to the HAZMAT area for identification. FIRE unit will make use of ERG and CAMEO/ALOHA software for recommendation of evacuation/SIP area. FIRE will coordinate with PLAN for contacting NRC/state EOC/NWS with SITREP of HAZMAT incident, per established SOP/SOG. Evacuation of area shall be conducted by LAW. HAZMAT operations will be conducted by team sent by NRC/state EOC.

LOG/PLAN should contact highway department for SITREP and forward highway department to WORKS. Affected highway should be closed at junction/intersect nearest reported damage; damage will be surveyed. If possible, highway will be restricted to emergency traffic until proper clearing/repairs are made.

LOG will contact schools, churches and civic buildings for potential sheltering operations. LOG will contact Red Cross and/or Salvation Army for sheltering support and staff. Red Cross/Salvation Army will coordinate with LOG for additional supply/support. LOG/PLAN will designate a representative at each shelter site as a point of contact for SITREPs and communication needs.


ICS is typically seen as a simple type of hierarchal command; one Incident Commander (IC) is charged with the overall control of the situation at hand, while other functions branch off below. In my model of response, I do not stray from this traditional view/use, with the exception of declaring a Unified Command (UC). In my studies—through those at this school and those taken at varying EM workshops—I have heard and seen issue related to the declaration of “who’s in charge” in multi-agency efforts; NIMS recognizes these issues as well (DHS, 2008). Enter the Multi-Agency Command System (MACS)/ICS and UC/ICS concepts, as applied to NIMS ICS.

The traditional IC structure and nomenclature work perfectly fine in individual agency settings, yet when multiple agencies begin to work together—especially with governmental heads overseeing the events—the desire to point fingers and place blame, or steal credit when matters go favorably, grows. To combat the potential bickering and scope of responsibility, we simply adjust the terminology—without dramatic change to the structure—and perform an interesting psychological play; instead of saying one man is in charge, we declare that there is a Unified Command with an overall IC, a Safety Officer (SO), Public Information Officer (PIO) and a Liaison (LNO). The National Incident Management System (NIMS) allows for this variation in ICS, so long as compliance with NIMS standards are met (DHS, 2008). In the MACS/ICS system with a UC, OPS must have a designated OPS Section Chief (DHS, 2008).

The example of ICS use given above shows how complex—yet simple—structuring and organizing efforts can be. To a lay-person, the example given would likely seem to be an over-expanded and drawn out mess—why not simply state that law enforcement can go about their business while fire services do theirs, etc.? The truth is, this model does state that; however it ensures that there isn’t any confusion or replication of services that could potentially lead to making the situation more damaging and costly. The system also ensures that resources are being placed in a prioritized fashion, without having any one agency respond to a situation in one location when a greater threat exists elsewhere. Additionally, the system allows for the creation of points of contact, where agency representatives can communicate with another clearly and effectively, stating which needs are being met, which needs aren’t, and what additional actions or resources are necessary.

Again, the lay-person or member of an outside agency may question the structuring of this ICS, wondering how a MACS stylized ICS affects the normal operations and individual ICS structure of involved agencies. Honestly, it doesn’t; all agencies are independently working together, following their own hierarchy—an ICS, even if it is not named such within the organization—with the addition of the respective agency’s IC reporting to the MACS/ICS/UC back at the EOC.

The ICS is a system that simply works when applied properly—as such, ICS and slight variations had been employed by many agencies and governing bodies across the nation prior to the establishment and direction of NIMS (“NIMS and the Incident Command System”, n.d.). The only differences between these pre-existing ICS versions and variations and the ICS concept as described by NIMS is the attempt at better clarification and designation of ICS structure and terminology across the entire nation, reinforcing the concepts of ICS—a common, understandable organization of personnel and resources without duplication and confusion.


The ICS described in response to the scenario given is, for the most part, NIMS compliant. Some functions are not fully described or included in this example; this is due—in part—to the length at which this paper was written versus the brevity that was requested—the author has responded to a 500 word minimum with over 2,000 words! Comparing the ICS supplied, however, with the system described in NIMS Appendix B (DHS, 2008) reveals an understanding of NIMS requirements. Review of NIMS Appendix B also shows how complex a task of writing a description of an ICS structure for a particular scenario can be.

For additional information on ICS structure, and visual representation of the ICS organizational tree, review of NIMS Appendix B is recommended.


Department of Homeland Security. (2008). National Incident Management System. Web. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nims/NIMS_core.pdf

“NIMS and the Incident Command System.” (n.d.). Web. Retrieved November 8, 2012 from: http://www.fema.gov/txt/nims/nims_ics_position_paper.txt

Palmer, J. (2011). Incident Command – Final Exam. Web. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from http://kg4vma.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/incident-command-8211-final-exam/


[1] See Palmer (2011) for original response to the aforementioned scenario.

EDMG340 Assignment 3 – Investigate Terrorist Threats on a Global Perspective

The following post was originally submitted as a homework assignment:

Title Assignment 3 – Investigate Terrorist Threats on a Global Perspective
Due Oct 21, 2012 11:55 pm
Number of resubmissions allowed Unlimited
Accept Resubmission Until Feb 21, 2013 11:55 pm
Status Submitted Nov 8, 2012 9:05 pm – late
Grade Scale Points (max 100.0)
Modified by instructor Nov 7, 2012 10:32 pm

Identify both a current or suspected domestic terrorist group or individual and a current or suspected international terrorist group or individual and share at least one web site dedicated to the respective group / individual (one for domestic and one for international). In your review or your selected individuals / groups discuss:
¡         Key similarities and differences between the groups / individuals.
¡         At least one terrorist activity, which is attributable to each group / individual.
¡         The primary motive(s) behind each of the above identified terrorist acts.
¡         Your opinion as to which network or individual poses the greatest threat to the U.S.
Your work should again be a minimum of 500 words and should utilize APA formatting.
Save your work as a Microsoft Word or WordPerfect document entitled:
“CMT3 YourLastName.doc” (i.e., CMT3-Jones.doc) and upload as your Week 3 written assignment.

Week 3 Assignment

Jeremiah Palmer (4145412)



Christian Kazmierczak




For the purposes of this assignment, students were asked to compare and contrast domestic and international terrorist groups or individuals; attempting to satisfy the domestic terrorism element of this assignment became a challenge. Researching domestic terror groups can prove to be a difficult task, assumedly due to the desire to keep current investigations quiet; groups and individuals that have been prosecuted or publicly named, however, are easier to research by the public. A brief search for domestic terrorists did not yield any list of published groups or individuals, other than those published on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list; as of the time of this writing, only seven “domestic terrorists” were listed.

Though it may seem that domestic terrorism isn’t much of an issue—where so few results were discovered—other sources reveal that the existence and threats of domestic terrorism are quite real and an area of concern. In a document obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive (Richelson, 2012), it is seen that the FBI still actively trains their agents and law enforcement for domestic terrorism—domestic terrorism defined as U.S. nationalists committing terroristic acts “at home”, as opposed to foreign or alien nationalists committing acts on U.S. soil. In this document—A Threat Assessment for Domestic Terrorism 2005-2006—the bureau references the “classic” examples of domestic terrorism: anarchists, extremists, activists, supremacists and militia groups (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2007). Of these examples, two organizations are specifically named under the activist/extremist category; these named organizations are also associated with three of the seven individuals listed as “most wanted” by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation: Domestic Terrorism, 2012).

Animal rights activist/extremists are noted to hold the belief that animals are not of the rights of man; many—particularly those on the extremist side—are not against taking action against those seen as exploiting animals. Eco-terrorists have similar views as the animal rights extremists, with regard to—as the name suggests—the exploitation of earth’s natural resources, flora and fauna. Both groups of activists/extremists may work in unified sects or individually, and can potentially use elevated force or violence in order to gain attention or prove a point. Named examples of such activist/extremists are the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Earth Liberation Front (ELF). The FBI notes that these organizations typically attempt to cloak communications via unknown Internet sites and protocols unaffiliated with known/published sites claiming to be “official” or otherwise; as such, many of those involved are young and somewhat “tech-savvy”. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2007)

Though there might be some decline in animal and eco- terrorism—due in part to the enacting of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act—the Bureau warns that the fanaticism of the respective groups’ members will not allow for the dampening of spirits (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2007); instead groups may find alternate avenues to relay points to those committing acts against animals and nature, until a time when a corporation or scientist “goes too far.”

Researching international terrorism seems to be quite an easy task, as it seems the government hasn’t much fear in allowing the world to know of our enemies. The FBI has listed a number of individuals wanted for terrorism—the majority having ties to various Muslim/Islamic organizations, save a few communist and Columbian terrorists. The Department of State has also published a listing of terrorist organizations, the vast majority being Islamic as well, with the exception of a few Columbian, communist organizations and two factions of the Irish Republican Army (U.S. Department of State, 2012).

There is no real difference between the actions of domestic and international terrorists with regards to methods of action; both of these broad classes act in violent or forceful manners, wreaking havoc upon a community and deeply affecting others lives. Differences, however, do exist in the targets of terroristic acts; for example:

Joseph Mahmoud Dibee, Rebecca J. Rubin and Josephine Sunshine Overaker—three of the FBI’s wanted domestic terrorists—were indicted for terroristic acts, including arson; the three are/were members of an ALF/ELF group known as “The Family”. Rubin and Overaker were named in connection of the burning of structures at a ski resort in Vail, Colorado (Cable News Network, 2008; Federal Bureau of Investigation: Eco-Terrorist Sentenced, 2012; PR Newswire, 2006). This sort of action is fairly common of an animal extremist/eco-terrorist; the property involved was that of a profit organization and not a government entity. Had there not been notification and claims of responsibility made to local media (Cable News Network,1998), the case would have most likely been investigated as an act of domestic terrorism anyway.

Husayn Muhammad al-Umari, a.k.a. Abu Ibrahim, has been wanted by the FBI since 2009 for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 830 on August 11, 1982 (Federal Bureau of Investigation: Most Wanted Terrorists, 2012). Al-Umari, though not the direct perpetrator of the event, is wanted for his role in connection to the bombing. The bombing of Flight 830 was conducted by Mohammed Rashed, a.k.a. Rashid Mohammed, for the 15 May Organization—a faction of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006). The 15 May Organization, like many Palestinian radical/extremist groups, target Israeli and American civilians and governmental leaders over Israel’s “right to exist”. Al-Umari is the founder of the 15 May Organization.

Personally, when it comes to acts of terrorism, I see domestic terrorism as a greater risk than those of international terrorism; while there may be a greater number of potential acts and actors on the international spectrum, there tends to be a greater unknown on the domestic side. International terrorists will most likely select targets which are representative of, or facilitate governmental function or policy. Due to the patterns and targets of international terrorists, our nation has been able to implement a number of policies and protocols for investigating and gathering intelligence related to international terrorism. Domestic terrorists, on the other hand, have the greater potential of evading preventative measures and going unnoticed. Additionally, domestic terrorists are more likely to be the “guy next-door”—a notion which I find quite unsettling.

Others may disagree, and say that someone overseas, acting in a capacity akin to Osama bin Laden is the greatest danger; personally, I’d prefer a bin Laden-like character over Ted Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh, or the latest breed of domestic terrorist—James Eagan Holmes.




Cable News Network. (1998). Group claiming credit for Vail fires says the aim was to help lynx. Web. Retrieved November 8, 2012 from:

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2007). A Threat Assessment for Domestic Terrorism 2005-2006. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/402525-doc-30-threat-assessment-domestic-terrorism.html

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2012). Eco-Terrorist Sentenced: Help Us Find Remaining Operation Backfire Fugitives. Web. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: https://web.archive.org/web/20160604205007/https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2012/march/eco-terrorist_032012/eco-terrorist_032012

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2012). Wanted by the FBI: Domestic Terrorism. Web. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/dt

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2012). Wanted by the FBI: Most Wanted Terrorists. Web. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/wanted_terrorists

PR Newswire. (2006) Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front Members Sentenced in Oregon for Acts of Eco-Terrorism in Five Western States. Web. Retrieved November 8, 2012 from: https://web.archive.org/web/20160111103240/http://www.prnewswire.com:80/news-releases/animal-liberation-front-and-earth-liberation-front-members-sentenced-in-oregon-for-acts-of-eco-terrorism-in-five-western-states-57884802.html

Richelson, J. (2012) Documenting the FBI: Declassified Documents Provide New Detail on Confronting the Terrorist Threat – from al-Qaeda to Skinheads. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 386. National Security Archive, George Washington University. Web. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB386/

U. S. Department of Justice. (2006). Jordanian Man Sentenced In 1982 Bombing Of Pan Am Flight From Tokyo To Honolulu. Web. Retrieved November 8, 2012 from: http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2006/March/06_crm_172.html

U. S. Department of State. (2012). Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Web. Retrieved November 8, 2012 from: https://web.archive.org/web/20190514225518/https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm

EDMG340 Assignment 2

The following post was originally written as response to a classroom assignment:

Title Assignment 2 – Terrorist Threats in Historical Perspective
Due Oct 14, 2012 11:55 pm
Number of resubmissions allowed Unlimited
Accept Resubmission Until Feb 14, 2013 11:55 pm
Status Submitted Nov 7, 2012 5:00 pm – late
Grade Scale Points (max 100.0)
Modified by instructor Oct 22, 2012 9:54 am

Writers such as Walter Laqueur and Agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Department of State all have defined the term “Terrorism”. As you read of the different groups do you see similarities in these groups’ definitions?

Research the definitions of terrorism as outlined by Laqueur, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Department of State, etc. After reading the various definitions in our reading for this week, provide the respective definitions and discuss the similarities and differences between them.
Your work should be a minimum of 500 words and should utilize APA formatting.
Save your work as a Microsoft Word or WordPerfect document entitled:
 “CMT2 YourLastName.doc” (i.e., CMT2-Jones.doc) and upload as your Week 2 written assignment.

Week 2 Assignment

Jeremiah Palmer (4145412)



Christian Kazmierczak




“There are more than a hundred definitions [for terrorism]; but none is wholly satisfactory,” states Walter Laqueur, historian, commentator and author of numerous works on culture, terrorism and warfare.

“No all-embracing definition will ever be found for the simple reason that there is not one terrorism, but there have been many terrorisms, greatly differing in time and space, in motivation, and in manifestations and aims.” (Laqueur, 2009)

The FBI seems to agree with Laqueur, stating “There is no single, universally accepted, definition of terrorism” (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2012). However the bureau continues in stating that it sees terrorism as “Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 CFR 0.85).

Elsewhere in US codes and law, terrorism has been defined as:

  • violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping (31 CFR 561.312; 31 CFR 594.311; 18 USC § 2331).
  • premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents (22 USC §  2656f).

Further definition is given to terrorist groups, international terrorism and domestic terrorism have also been given as:

  • the term “terrorist group” means any group practicing, or which has significant subgroups which practice, international terrorism (22 USC § 2656f).
  •  the term “international terrorism” means terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country (22 USC § 2656f).
  • the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States (18 USC § 2331).

Each of these definitions vary slightly, yet commonly, we can see that terrorism is defined as some means of violent or forceful demonstration or action against a certain population; frequently the acts are carried to exact influence or coercion. As is noted in the U.S. definitions having a basis in criminal activity, these acts are typically illegal, as they usually violate federal or state-level laws. Differences in the definitions are slight, with regard to whether the acts are “premeditated”—though arguably, many would be—and whether the acts are politically motivated. Arguing whether an act would be politically motivated or carried out in the name of religion or other concept is moot, as all are simply schools of thought.




Act of international terrorism, 31 CFR 561.312

Crimes and Criminal Procedure: Terrorism, 18 USC § 2331

Department of State: Annual Country Reports on Terrorism, 22 USC § 2656f

Federal Bureau of Investigation (2012). Terrorism: 2002-2005. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005

Federal Bureau of Investigation: General Functions, 28 CFR 0.85

Laqueur, W. (2009). Terrorism: A Brief History. Web. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210428105107/http://www.laqueur.net/index2.php?r=2&id=71

Terrorism, 31 CFR 594.311

EDMG340 Week 5 Forum — Managing the Event – Incident Command System

The following post was authored in response to a classroom forum:

Week 5 Forum Post your response to the week 5 forum question here. Do you support the analyses, conclusions and recommendations of the author? State your agreement / disagreement. Remember to respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates for full credit.
After reading both “From Forest Fires to Hurricane Katrina: Case Studies of Incident Command” by Donald P. Moynihan and “Combining Structural Forms in the Search for Policy Tools: Incident Command Systems in U.S.” by Donald P. Moynihan”, please answer the following questions in terms of each article:

• Do you support the author’s analyses; his conclusions; his recommendations? If you disagree with his positions – so state.

• Why do you agree / disagree?

Both articles are available under “Course Tools”. Follow the “Lessons” link and look for the Week Five Lesson.

In review of Moynihan’s articles, it would seem that there is no clear recommendation other than that of practice and review of the ICS model for implementation in multi-agency disaster response; such a statement is painfully obvious, however desperately in need of constant reiteration. Many of the nation’s lower governments and responders have expressed frustration with coordination in times of crisis; since the advent of the DHS and NIMS, blame is placed upon the gamut of NIMS directives—included is the use of ICS. Moynihan authors his papers to discuss the reasoning behind the declared use of ICS, offers examples of where ICS implementation has succeeded and failed, and finally delivers criticism for the better use of ICS.

The federal government made a wise choice in supporting and requiring the use of ICS. The expectation, however, that all governments and services would be able to implement the structure was somewhat immature; but is this the fault of our federal government? Moynihan has pointed out on numerous occasions in From Forest Fires to Hurricane Katrina that many entities outside the fire service knew of the ICS concept prior to NIMS; example is given with the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma. During this disaster, coordination between agencies was made possible through establishing a modified Incident Command System, where each service took control of a specific issue and reported back to a centralized command.

Opposing the Oklahoma example, giving what still remains the greatest example of misuse and poor application of ICS, is the events surrounding Hurricane Katrina. Though the local, state, and even federal governments had been required to develop and practice action plans implementing ICS, none of the involved organizations had a clue of what needs had to be met. Some of this confusion is blamed—somewhat appropriately—on the fact that the mandates were still relatively new; additional confusion came from the restructuring and organization of FEMA under the DHS umbrella, as well as assignment of resources such as military units to Homeland aligned operations.

Finally, Moynihan shows example of how agencies without experience in coordinating efforts possess the ability to implement such a structure in Combining Structural Forms in the Search for Policy Tools. In this article Moynihan reviewed the use of ICS in the Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) outbreak of 2003. Initially, agencies struggled in organizing efforts as they continued to operate under their normal, respective procedures. Eventually, a networked structure was created; showing the effectiveness of ICS –a system typically considered to be centralized and hierarchal in design—in situations that aren’t traditionally considered for such a system. Interestingly, this example effectively shows how the original concepts of ICS implementation were ignorantly instituted, yet still completely valid.

A portion of the original idea of mandating ICS was the creation of a simple, no-fuss solution of command and responsibility; the ICS structure was chosen for its wide use and assumed effectiveness in the fire service. It has been argued that these beliefs were premature; furthermore, analysis and critiques have been given, stating that the traditional concepts of an ICS are neither modular nor adaptable to any given situation. In his END example, Moynihan shows that through simple modification, an ICS can exist and operate effectively, given the time and resources necessary to implement, practice and make adjustments as necessary—a concept which was behind the intent of ICS implementation.

I agree that the stiff definition of an ICS may not work in all situations; ICS will work, however, if it is not seen as a centralized command with a single head. A modified approach, viewing ICS as a management system with a unified command is, perhaps, the most appropriate method for organizing efforts during multi-agency operations. Practice of such a system is also a must for successful implementation in a time of crisis—agencies asking for assistance in understanding the concepts as events are unfolding will cause great delay and further confusion.



Moynihan , D. (2007). From Forest Fires to Hurricane Katrina: Case Studies of Incident Command System. Retrieved from https://edge.apus.edu/xsl-portal/site/196993/page/25ba99e3-522d-450c-ba01-7968f4ab10c7

Moynihan , D. (2008). Combining Structural Forms in the Search for Policy Tools: Incident Command Systems in U.S. Crises Management. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administrations, and Institutions, 21(2), 205-229. Retrieved from https://edge.apus.edu/xsl-portal/site/196993/page/25ba99e3-522d-450c-ba01-

EDMG340 Week 3 Forum

The Following post was originally written as a response to a classroom forum:

Week 3 Forum Post your response to the week 3 forum question here. Do you support the analyses, conclusions, recommendations of the authors? State your agreement / disagreement. Remember to respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates for full credit.

Read Stephen E. Flynn’s, “America the Resilient: Defying Terrorism and Mitigating Natural Disasters” and Bruce Hoffman’s, “The Myth of Grass-Roots Terrorism: Why Osama bin Laden Still Matters”. Both articles are available under “Course Tools”.  Follow the “Lessons” link and look for the Week Three Lesson.

Respond to the following questions:

Do you support each author’s analyses; their conclusions; their recommendations?
If you disagree with the authors’ positions – so state. Why do you agree / disagree?

Comparing the two writings before us for this week’s forum is an interesting, if not slightly challenging task; both writings are quite opinionated—Flynn’s being an original commentary, Hoffman’s a response to a different author’s work. Flynn and Hoffman also seem to take opposing sides on the argument of response and preparation for foreign terrorism on our native soil. In their respective writings, it appears that Flynn prefers standing behind the idea of rebuilding the public, while Hoffman is found supporting the idea of a government taking stronger action abroad. Personally, it is somewhere between these schools of thought that I stand.

In his review of Marc Sageman’s Leaderless Jihad, Hoffman counterpoints arguments that Mid-Eastern groups such as al Qaeda are no longer the threats that they had once been. According to Hoffman, the author had suggested that without the self-proclaimed/designated cell leader, Osama bin Laden, played such a key role in the organization that, once removed, the al Qaeda we knew could no longer function. Hoffman suggests that such a viewpoint is misguided and not understanding of how societies work; Hoffman supports his stance with claims from American and foreign intelligence communities, undermining Sageman’s notion that Western al Qaeda-like splinters or sects are a greater threat. I find Hoffman’s criticisms of Sageman’s work entertaining, where part of his point is that Sageman doesn’t understand how a society might work; in supporting his opinion, Hoffman seems to do the same, missing Sageman’s point of view.

While Hoffman’s argument is valid—others may rise to revive and lead foreign terrorist groups—he doesn’t comprehend that the same can happen with any of those that might have lost communication with their foreign leaders. Though Hoffman may be correct with his underlining of faults in Sageman’s supporting evidence and theories, the point is missed—a community of terrorists residing domestically without the instruction and ties that had once existed might serve themselves in reorganizing with differing tactics, potentially posing a greater risk. Newly formed or organized splinter groups may not act in the manner as they once had; likewise, new incarnations may become an addition to the pre-existing issues, should the original organization survive and rebuild itself.

Flynn writes an interesting piece, speaking of the need of a stronger public; stronger in self-sufficiency and self-esteem. Flynn outlines his beliefs that the American public has grown somewhat lazy, and has regressed to the status of a public depending heavily upon the government; something that seemed to grow rather than diminish following the attacks on September 11, 2001. Exactly how, where and when this phenomena occurred is—like all political discussion—up for debate; yet the argument remains that the people aren’t as resilient as they had been generations prior. Fortunately, time has passed since Flynn’s writing, and American society seems to be improving in this regard.

Two years prior to Flynn’s publication, our nation was astounded at the response—on civilian and all governmental levels—to the natural disaster commonly known as Hurricane Katrina. Immediately following Katrina came a barrage of studies and reports on the public and the nation’s infrastructure—many of which are referenced or hinted at in Flynn’s work. These reports helped supply Flynn in stating that we—as a nation—are ill-prepared for almost anything, and believe that the federal government will serve our better interests and fix these issues. In response, Flynn suggests that the entire public needs to take cue from those that had been aboard United Airlines Flight 93—to believe that they are capable of recognizing and challenging/preventing/overcoming disaster. Though United 93 did result in “martyrdom” of the passengers and crew, the actions showed that the public has the power to change their fate.

In his writing, Flynn suggested that the next president should take steps to re-enforce the public, and enact changes to allow for better distribution of power and aid to the people. As of late, we can see that some of these changes have taken place—whether or not one would want to attribute these changes to the current government. Despite political differences, the majority should be capable of agreeing that public involvement and opinion has increased, and that federal dependence—with regard to emergency/disaster situations—has changed and is continuing to change.

Personally, I believe that we—as a nation—do still need to keep an eye on foreign organizations; though we must not forget that the possibility exists for domestic terrorism. I also believe that we must do as much as possible to continue to raise the spirit and involvement of our public. Supporting both of these ideas should not be a difficult task to accomplish, nor should one detract from another. Through rebuilding public resiliency, we can better ourselves and nation—providing stronger abilities to respond in crisis, at home and abroad.

…throughout this response I have tried to refrain from offering political opinion; I prefer not to enter political debate. I will, however, offer this as my only political thought: It’s no coincidence that there has been improvement and change since Flynn’s writing—in 2009 a new President was sworn in, and a new director to FEMA was appointed… 😉



Hoffman, B. (2008). The Myth of Grass-Roots Terrorism. Foreign Affairs, 87(3), 133-138. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tsh&AN=31701303&site=ehost-live

Flynn, S. E. (2008). America the Resilient: Defying terrorism and mitigating natural disaster. Retrieved from https://edge.apus.edu/xsl-portal/site/196993/page/25ba99e3-522d-450c-ba01-7968f4ab10c7

EDMG340 Week 2 Forum

The following post was originally submitted in response to a classroom forum:

Week 2 Forum Post your response to the week 2 forum question here. Does it matter that there is no common or universally developed definition for terrorism? State your position. Remember to respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates for full credit.
Obviously, there is no complete agreement about the definition of terrorism. In preparing to write his “consensus definition” as adopted by the United Nations in 1988, Schmid examined over 100 definitions and found that they could be ranked according to emphasis by frequency in this order:

  • Goals (political)
  • Purposes (fear)
  • Targets (direct victims and reactions)
  • Methods (combat strategy or tactic)
  • What seems common to most definitions are:
  • An act or threat of violence…
  • …the immediate victims of which are not the primary target nor the violence the primary objective…
  •  …but which, instead, is intended to induce fear in third parties (political, religious, ethnic, social, etc.) in order to effect behavioral changes in those parties…
  •  …OR to exact revenge upon them for perceived grievances.

Most acts of terrorism are, in fact, crimes as defined by most nations (murder, destruction of property, etc.), particularly when the immediate victims are noncombatants and the violent act is not committed within the “traditional” conventions of warfare. In the latter case, the violent act may be “legitimate combat”, or it may still be a war crime, depending upon the circumstances. The incident at My Lai during the Vietnam War was certainly not “legitimate combat”, for instance, although it occurred during the prosecution of a war.

What makes an act Terrorism?

Few words are as politically or emotionally charged as terrorism. A 1988 study by the U.S. Army (http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB207.pdf) counted 109 definitions of terrorism that covered a total of 22 different definitional elements. Terrorism expert Walter Laquer in 1999 also has counted over 100 definitions and concludes that the “only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence”. Other definitions of terrorist are; the use of violence and intimidation to achieve political ends, the killing and maiming of innocent people, and the act of scaring people for a social or political reason using violence. Nevertheless, one thing they all have in common; is that terrorist believe that if others are afraid of them, they will have more power over other people.

There is a long-standing legal code called Title 18, Part I, Chapter 113B, Section 2331 which is entitled “Terrorism” and attempts to define it, but it is essentially all about international terrorism and represents America’s version of outlawing internecine conflict on its soil. Internecine conflict is when someone else’s battle spills over on your land, which might not seem important, but terrorists often disregard any respected areas of combat or demarcated battlefields.

Does it matter that there isn’t a globally accepted, clear-cut definition for the term terrorism? Yes; but will there ever be?

For the most-part, man-kind can agree that an act of terrorism is one in which one entity acts against another in such a manner that one by-product—if not the main goal—is the creation of fear; the reason or aim of the act and creation of terror may vary greatly. The trouble is, as varying collectives and societies have differing cultures and practices, we extend the definition further and impose a larger degree of differing responses to said acts; as such any one person may be considered a terrorist—even within our own societies—and may be persecuted in manners seen unjust by others.

In the U.S., terrorism has been defined as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” This definition works fairly well—and applies to foreign and domestic perpetrators. Unfortunately, this definition allows room for interpretation and application to any number of individuals and acts, depending upon how one chooses to define force and violence, and whether the act in question had the purpose of gaining a political or social objective.

Due to the differences in people in general—let alone societies—I doubt that there will ever be a globally accepted definition of terrorism unless there comes a point at which the entire world comes to terms with all her inhabitants; according to Star Trek mythology, this won’t occur for another 50-60 years, following World War III. After this—once Zefrem Cochrane has discovered “warp” and the Vulcans have accepted us into the Federation of Planets—we will then be working on drafting a universal definition of terrorism.

PBHE413 Week 6 Forum – Natural Disasters

The following post was originally written in response to a classroom forum:

For what natural disaster is your local community at highest risk? Considering this information, answer these questions: what are the triage, mass casualty care and public health challenges involved in a response to this disaster? 

If you have had experience in natural disaster response, please share your stories and insights with the class.

It would seem that Harrison County, her two cities, and sparsely distributed communities are at greater risk of flooding events, with other meteorological events following close in ranking. Frequently our communities are faced with flooding events, with the areas of primary concern being Cynthiana, the county seat.  At least once a year Cynthiana is faced with waters rising near, if not above, flood-stage. Often-times the rising waters become more of a hindrance and nuisance rather than a disaster; the closing of one commonly traveled roadway is practically guaranteed, and the potential of damages to structures and land alongside said road is equally frequent.

Floodwaters also provide the potential of rising higher with decent frequency, and causing problems with the lower west-side of Cynthiana, commonly overtaking storm sewers and backfilling into intersections and roadways a few blocks away that lie at a lower elevation than the river banks. At times, this backfill enters into basements, creeps toward homes on the surface, and reduces/removes street access to certain residential areas; similar situations occur in rural areas of the county. Fifteen years ago, however, flood waters challenged the boundaries of the 100-year floodplain, and created quite a bit of trouble for the entire county and her emergency services.

With the threats of flooding—and most natural disasters—there generally occurs issues with transportation; heavily traveled roads may become more congested due to the closing of secondary routes, or vice-versa. In flooding events that are “normal” for this area, congestion is seen on our main highways due to the closing of some secondary streets; during the extraordinary flooding event of 1997, congestion was seen on many single-lane, two-way roads outside of the city limits, due to the closure of two main highways. The blockage of these roadways made travel difficult for emergency vehicles and increased response time. Since that event, measures are taken to stage a temporary “station” for fire and ambulance on the opposing side of the river; both the city fire department and ambulance service take extra precautions to verify that they are equipped and stocked slightly above normal capacity when operating out of this satellite location. Additionally, crews sent to operate in this area are familiarized with alternate routes back to the city and hospital, so as to limit the needs of asking dispatch for directions.

When the potential threat of flooding exists, plans are made in advance—typically two days, up to one week—for the coordinating, opening and operations of shelters for potential victims; these efforts are another example of lessons learned from 1997. Voluntary evacuation of the potentially affected areas occurs 4-12 hours before the expected flood-crest. During these planning and preparation phases all emergency and medical services are notified of the potential risks. Further medical response and preparation for these events has not been tested—to my knowledge—as none of the events since 1997 have caused issues that would specifically impact the local hospital, outside of their concerns of staffing.

Another potential disaster concern for the entire community is that of winter storms bringing large amounts of snow and/or ice. Similar to the effects of flooding, snow/ice have the potential of closing roadways. Again, this issue does not seem to cause the local hospital much concern, other than the potential impact on staffing. Frequently, members of the emergency community volunteer to aid in the transport of nursing staff to the hospital—typically transport is volunteered by the members of Harrison County’s volunteer fire department and the Harrison County Sheriff. As I understand it, the hospital encourages employees to find a location in town to spend the night, or find alternate transportation methods; no other efforts or accommodations are made by the hospital for their staff.

Finally, the most common potential for disaster lies in damages associated with thunderstorm activity. Any thunderstorm may potentially bring damaging winds or tornadic activity, which would again cause issues with transportation and utilities. Similar to the other previously mentioned events, all emergency services plan accordingly.

I realize that I have failed to discuss the challenges associated with a mass casualty event during these potential disasters; I’ve done so, in part, due to the ignorance of the local medical community. To the best of my knowledge, the local hospital has never truly planned for any potential for a disaster beyond the concerns of whether there will be enough staff on hand, “just-in-case”. In my experience of observing a number of disaster exercises—all dealing with other extraordinary hazards outside the norms mentioned—the hospital has never exercised anything other than processing the list of staff and calling off-duty personnel to see if they would be able to give an ETA for response. Not once have I seen or heard of an instance where the hospital has truly tested their abilities beyond their routine operations.

In reality, even the more mundane of events—such as the norms I have listed—have the potential of creating a mass-casualty event. Every disaster mentioned has an effect on transportation to some degree; every transportation issue has the potential of creating any number of traffic accidents. During any one of these events, the potential exists for a traffic accident to involve any number of victims with a variety of injuries and the potential involvement of any chemical; one fully occupied mini-van could potentially inundate our hospital’s emergency room. Unfortunately, it seems that our medical community—save those that respond on-scene—is ignorant of these possibilities, and takes for granted the time for transport locally and involvement of flight-crews from regional hospitals; time associated with ambulance response and transport allows for calling additional staff, while patients being air-lifted are the responsibility of another hospital.

Not meaning to sound grim, or wanting to wish ill upon others, but I would thoroughly enjoy seeing a true mass-casualty event befall our community, just so that the local hospital could see how idiotic and dangerous their smugness truly is.

PBHE413 Biological Terrorism

The following was originally published in response to a classroom forum:

One of the concerns in the emergency preparedness community relates to the ability to rapidly recognize a biological event if it were to occur in a community. This can involve recognition of an unusual cluster of illnesses, such as those spread by contaminated food (salmonella, e. coli, etc). Once recognized, then a determination must be made regarding whether this public health event was a natural occurrence or a man-made, deliberately caused outbreak. Does your community have mechanisms in place for early detection? What are the reporting procedures? Have they been practiced or drilled?

Please note that the majority of this response is speculative and based on assumed or third-hand knowledge, and has not been verified for accuracy…

To the best of my knowledge, there are not any facilities or agencies within Harrison County equipped or prepared for the early detection of biological terrorism, beyond the normal expectations of doctors and associated clinicians performing general diagnostics and evaluations of symptoms. Our hospital laboratory can process a variety of tests, however many samples are processed at larger metropolitan facilities; I would have to assume that certain biological agents would be amongst these. I will say that I have heard from reliable sources involved in the local medical community that when an initial need for testing occurs, our laboratory evaluates the need for materials and procedures necessary to conduct the tests in house.

Reporting procedures are likely unclear, with respect to alerting the public. Normal procedures of health concerns eventually reach the public in the form of an article published in the weekly newspaper, a memorandum passed along to school-children and discussion on the local radio station’s Monday through Friday morning hour-long talk show. Within recent history our E-911 dispatch center has gained the ability to contact citizens that have opted into an auto-dialing program for notification of varied public concerns; our medical community has not yet had a need to pass along a message to dispatch, though the opportunity exists. All agencies and organizations within the community know that it is possible to contact the broadcast media in Lexington in order to relay the message on their televised newscasts and social media channels. I believe that the medical community knows that notification of the local EM, dispatch center, and government officials are required; whether this would be practiced as policy dictates is unknown—to my knowledge there has never been a drill or exercise related to a bio-terror incident. There have, however been notifications to the public in years past concerning MRSA—notification came in the form of an article in the local paper and memos from the local board of education.

Reporting to higher medical authorities are routinely practiced per policies and regulations; there are, however, frequent hiccups—according to my sources—in the order to which these procedures are to be carried out.

I do know that there are plans in place for possible bio-terroristic events, with the expectation that the event would take place in a different area, and that our community would have to take preventative action. In late 2002, early 2003, our nation became concerned about the possibility of the terroristic release of the variola virus—smallpox—into the population. The entire medical and EM community responded by planning for such an instance, developing plans for distribution centers and prioritizing sectors of officials and the public for inoculation should the President order the release and distribution of the vaccine. In a three-part informational column then Public Health Administrator of the Wedco District Health Department, Dr. Julie W. McKee, described the plans for Harrison County (Barnes, 2003). In the plans, McKee stated that Wedco would initially be responsible for its own staff as would Harrison Memorial Hospital; following the inoculation of respective medical staff, Wedco and HMH would proceed to inoculating members of local emergency services and government. Once the local medical and emergency communities were supplied, two named locations would be opened, staffed by Wedco and HMH personnel, for the purposes of reaching the general public. Fortunately, the need never came; unfortunately—to my knowledge—the plan was never tested.

I do know that this specific plan did bring about discussion amongst emergency services personnel, with many of the agency leaders asking their respective personnel whether they would receive the vaccine should the voluntary inoculation take place—I had been asked if I would partake. Though I cannot remember my exact response, I wouldn’t doubt that I made a joke about the federal cataloging of citizens through smallpox vaccination that had been dreamed up in The X-Files.

Similar plans are in place for other vaccination possibilities—I had heard that the local hospital had established a plan based on the aforementioned smallpox plan during the 2009 H1N1 scare. It would be safe to assume that similar plans would be applied for other incidents, with modifications to include the addition of other vaccination stations—most likely separated by school or voting district.


Barnes, B. (2003) Health Officials Plan for Threat of Small Pox. The Cynthiana Democrat. Retrieved October 30, 2012 from: http://harrisonema.com/2003/01/29/officials-plan-for-threat-of-small-pox/


I have no clue if I referenced the articles properly, considering I pulled the three of them from a single page that I published seven years ago… When I re-published the articles I failed to note the exact date of publication; additionally, the Cynthiana Democrat does not offer an online archive for articles prior to December 2007…