
## Sat 01 Jul 2023 07:48:21 AM EDT

Quick note, for now;

I’ve given up on having my main desktop PC run Windows–at least in a full-time capacity. Since I’m dealing with old hardware and am set on having dual monitors, I figured it’s time to kill the headaches I’d been having with the thing being sluggish due to incompatible drivers and just play with linux. Both I and the computer seem to be much happier.

I had to work on the car again; we went for a drive earlier in the week and the passenger rear brake locked up, causing extreme heat and possibly a fire that extinguished itself. After letting the wheel cool for about fifteen minutes I slowly drove it back home–slowly being necessary as I discovered a few minutes after getting it back on the road that I had lost braking power altogether. The next day, I tore the thing apart and discovered that the wheel cylinder blew, and that the hub/bearing assembly was nearly seized. I’m not sure exactly what happened first or when as there’s a few different ways that things could have gone down. So, anyway, new hub, new cylinder, new hose (of course it snapped when I replaced the cylinder) and new shoes. Yay.

I haven’t written any of my “pen-pals” in a while because I’ve been busy tinkering with varied things, and I’m starting to feel guilty about it. I’m hoping that I can get back into the swing of that real soon.

I’ve got a decent amount of housework I want to try and accomplish today. We’ll see if that happens.


Thanks for reading;



## Wed 21 Jun 2023 12:22:33 PM EDT

So, I thought that I was done with writing today–at least for now–until my wifi decided to crap out on me and disconnect my session. I’m sure you know the feeling that I had next–that quick little race of the heart and perhaps a little flush of the face when your computer decides to treat you like Ellen Feiss, and like half of your paper is gone. Yeah.

Well, see, I knew that if I didn’t figure something out, all of my post would be gone as I’ve still not made it a habit to run screen or tmux before starting in on something lengthy. So, I was like, great, is there some sort of temporary file written somewhere keeping track of changes to the file I was creating. Well, there was, and when I googled if it was possible to recover it, my first answer showed me that only a couple of people have had success in figuring out the wizardry needed to open/edit/recover/revert/etc that silly .swp-file. Okay, so, is there an application or command that can steal a process? Turns out, there is. Reptyr.


If it’s not already in your arsenal, I’d recommend equipping yourself with it, because it saved the day for me. A quick search of the repositories showed that it was available in Debian, so I didn’t have to fuss with compiling, or anything; the only trick I needed to figure out was how to steal the process I wanted, which came down to me needing to be root–the process I really wanted to grab was a subprocess, and in order to take it I needed to take the beginning process, which requires root, apparently. So, a simple “su” and then a “reptyr -T PID” got me right back to where I was before the connection dropped–exactly where I was. Once I finished up my post, the script running things continued as it would’ve, wrapped things up, and brought me back to the shell I was in previously on the tablet. I exited that shell to return to the root shell I’d spawned, then exited it, and came back to the new shell I’d opened to start my attempts at recovering things.


I know there might be a few that will read this and laugh at my amazement and joy in discovering a tool they already knew about, but, hey, I’m still learning. Hopefully this silly little post will help someone out, someday.

Thanks for reading;



## Wed 21 Jun 2023 10:51:18 AM EDT

Haven’t written in a week or so–I think. Just figured I’d write something right now since I have a few minutes to spare. Thing is, I really don’t know what to write about.

I’m currently sitting at the kitchen table, typing this on a keyboard I have plugged into my tablet; I’m using the tablet to connect to the “server” via SSH through the use of ConnectBot. Why I’m sharing that info, I dunno. I just think it’s neat that I can have all these different pieces of technology talk to one another.

Yesterday I was goofing around with Termux on the tablet and an old Pixel 2XL–just toying with running VNC’d X-sessions on them. I was kind of impressed with the quality of things when I started watching YouTube videos through Firefox in those sessions. I don’t know, guess I’m easily entertained. I was also toying with getting the tablet to display another computer’s graphics–that honestly halfway stemmed from me tinkering with running framebuffer applications on that computer a few days earlier. The framebuffer thing came from me removing a desktop environment and forgetting to re-assign a desktop manager to fire X into the remaining environment. I was like, “well, I want to play around in the console more than in a GUI, anyway, so let’s not worry about starting X immediately.” That eventually led me to remembering that framebuffer graphics were a thing, so I went down the path of trying to seek out applications to play with. That was a fun little exploration–as there really isn’t much documentation on the Internet from a user’s standpoint on using the framebuffer for fun and productivity. It’s like, when window managers became better and better, and the ‘nix world began to compete more with the Windows and Mac worlds, people forgot about the framebuffer. I wonder if maybe there will be a resurgence in the future, like everyone’s somewhat recent interest in reviving 8- and 16-bit computing.

I also played around with “My House a few days ago. I didn’t make it far–I still haven’t progressed past level one. I do hope to sit and give it some serious attention sometime soon. To be honest, I haven’t even played Doom II–I only ever played Doom, as the sequel wasn’t available on the high school sneakernet when I was a kid. Yep, I played a part in passing around copies of games back in the day. Unfortunately, I was only a leecher–if I can apply that term to the sneakernet–as I didn’t have a connection to the ‘net back then. Heck, only now am I trying to explore BBS’ and the like, to try and see what all I missed out on. Guess that kind of explains a little of my interest in toying around with older protocols–and those that mimic them.

Meanwhile, I see that my gemini capsule has hit Kennedy’s index, so I’ve at least helped to bring bits of my hometown into a searchable portion of geminispace.

I don’t know. I think that’s enough writing for now.

Thanks for reading;


Movie Collection

## Thu 15 Jun 2023 11:55:55 AM EDT

How many movies do you have in your home? What formats? Have you watched them all?

If someone were to ask me those questions, I must say that my immediate answer would be a quick, “I don’t know. But, if the same person were curious enough to say that they would let me check to see, I could actually give them an answer relatively quick, as I have spent way too much time cataloging our collection.

And if by some weird chance you are the type of person that would want to walk up to me and ask me about the collection off videos I have at home, let me go ahead and beat you to the punch, and drop a link here to a spreadsheet:

=> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iVpG9tIs_F8Db4KMd9QbASrbhBA8ZO94FUx-pH_DlCA/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iVpG9tIs_F8Db4KMd9QbASrbhBA8ZO94FUx-pH_DlCA/edit?usp=sharing

That sheet lists every title that’s currently on the shelves in my home. There are a few duplicate titles listed, but you should notice in the “media” column that duplicate titles are usually due to having it available on another format. And, yes, there are quite a few unpopulated cells and a few cells that might contain bad data; while I did take quite a bit of time cataloging everything, I have yet to take the time to make the data perfect. For the most part, I simply popped a title in, hit a button, and let the program i was using do the rest. As for the software I used to catalog everything, I used GCstar, a neat–nearly defunct–little program that was built for cataloging just about any collection a person might have.

=> http://www.gcstar.org http://www.gcstar.org
=> https://gitlab.com/GCstar/GCstar https://gitlab.com/GCstar/GCstar

I would love to sit and write more about the little program, but I think I’ll save that for another day, just like all the other random bits of software I would love to review. For now, though, I can say that I like the program and it suits my needs just fine. Oh, and I guess I’ll go ahead and share another neat little trick that it can do; imagine that for some reason you’re running a small library or a mom and pop video store–or that you’re just that protective and proud of your collection. Well, guess what; you can publish a listing of your collection on a webserver for browsing–exported from the program, it doesn’t do the serving–and within the program you can record people borrowing titles, and when you agreed to have them returned.

As for the web display of the catalog, I do have an example using my collection running on my home server. There’s several different templates that the program had included–and you could, of course tweak any of it to suit your tastes–but I’m just going with one of the simpler looking ones that had a search functionality built in.

=> https://kg4vma.duckdns.org/collections/movies https://kg4vma.duckdns.org/collections/movies

I dunno. Anyway, there’s a list of the different things we have to watch at home–which gather dust, mainly, as we’re usually streaming something.

Thanks for reading;



One of my first posts this year was a reaction I had in response to this project of bringing my blogging efforts into the geminispace; after reviewing a few of my earlier posts, I had come to the conclusion that I was fairly mean, ugly, and hateful. Well, at this exact moment in time, I feel that I can say that I still am–to an extent–and that after even further review of my older writings, a lot of it has to do with life experiences. See, while I was continuing to work on this silly project, I lucked out, I guess, and managed to discover a few posts that were even older than those I knew I had a copy of–thank you Internet Archive!

I managed to find a partial archive of a blog I attempted to keep circa 2004 on “blogdrive”. While some of those posts do have a touch of my snarky-ness, it was a lot milder, actually, when compared to things written in 2007–the earliest I still had a personal archive of. So, looking back at that, I felt an odd little feeling of–I don’t know–relief? It was a little odd, yet somehow refreshing to see that I wasn’t as negative as I had become. I just struggle now with the notion that so much of my life had been changed in such a negative way to have turned me into such an angry ass.

Fortunately, I can say that the bulk of those times are well behind me, and that the only thing I have to deal with these days are the unpleasant residuals that live on inside of me and the occasional torment of associated memories. But still, I do see that damage has been done, and I wonder if I will ever fully recover and become closer to the person I once had been prior to my first marriage. I know that I won’t be able to get very close to being that person again; I mean, I can’t, as too many other experiences have happened since to sour some of my opinions of humanity. Those different experiences–though removed from the primary situation causing my attitude shift–ended up existing during and following those uglier times in my life, so they hit harder with differing vibrations than they would have had I been my less- or un-tainted self.

So, I don’t know. I’m slightly lost and bewildered, and yet feeling slightly better about myself at the same time, now knowing for myself that, yes, I once was a different person.

I’m still an ass–and I still have quite a few negative feelings about people in general. But I’m definitely not the same person I was in 2007, and I’m not the person I had been in early 2004. I wonder if there’s any chance that I could find anything written of any worth or meaning in 2003 or earlier–I think I would like to try and know myself of that time period once more.

On another related note, I would like to try and explore a little more on what I’ve experienced with my dealings with other people outside of my personal relationships–rehash just a few of the things I’ve experienced with the public at large. I think I need to see hat it is about people that I truly dislike, and see what there is for me to do to love and trust my fellow man again, if it’s even possible.

I don’t know.

Thanks for reading;



So, I’m finding it kind of interesting that it seems that portions of the Internet are finding ways of destroying themselves.

Just a random thought, based on my own uninformed opinion.

I really wanted to write more on that thought, but have totally lost everything that I was cooking up. I’m blank.


In other thoughts, I think I may want to kill my “signature” below. I dunno. Is it necessary?

Thanks for reading;



So, if by any chance you–the reader–are someone that has been paying attention
to what I’ve been writing–or posting, rather, as I’ve not necessarily been
writing a whole lot of anything–I think I can proudly announce that I am
finished tinkering with getting my various blogging efforts in order. Maybe.

A recap / explanation of what I’ve managed to do or accomplish is:

1.) I re-synchronized all of my self-hosted WordPress formatted posts to my
gemlog and to the WordPress.com location.

2.) I went through all of my old WP posts and tried to update all the broken

3.) I started tinkering with my not-so-quick-and-easy gemlog posting script to
try and include a way of automatically uploading posts written in gemini to

4.) I lcoated a WordPress plugin that someone created that automatically exports
fresh WordPress posts to gemini *.gmi files.

5.) I tinkered with my not-so-quick-and-easy script some more, to make sure that
I could have the WP plugin and my script use the same *.gmi files without
arguing about permission errors or attempting to create duplicate files.

6.) (or maybe 5.5) I figured out how to account for me being silly and
possibly including capitalized letters or spaces in my gmi filenames when
saving, and put in checks to rename things to lowercase and use hyphens in order
to be compatible with the WP plugin.

7.) I figured out how to use nano as something a little closer to a word
processor. YAY!

I would love to sit and write more about how I accomplished all of this, but
I’ve now given myself a slight headache in figuring all this stuff out. I’m just
happy to have something working, finally.

I hope to come back soon with a little more of an explanation of how I did all
this, probably with a reveal of my terrible and likely insecure bash script. I
would also like to come back and share which plugins, scripts, servers and
anything else I’m using, as I really want to give credit where credit is due. I
mean, really, I wouldn’t be getting any of this crap accomplished without the
use of countless other people’s work.

Well, I think that’s it for now. Until the next time.

Thanks for reading;



Okay, so now, I’m testing this to see if it will break long lines automatically
or not at 80 columns. So far, it looks like it’s doing it’s job. Sweet! I like
that I finally have it working.

And, I figured out how to run a spell-checker with nano, which works pretty
nicely, as I couldn’t find a console based word processor that really suited
what I was wanting to accomplish.

Thanks for reading;



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer iaculis nulla nisi, at sodales dui vestibulum sed. Aenean eu mollis neque. Phasellus volutpat sagittis malesuada. Curabitur vel tellus dui. Morbi ac mi iaculis, placerat leo a, faucibus nibh. Sed arcu justo, ultricies porta lectus congue, tincidunt ultricies tortor. Ut tristique vel dolor vitae tincidunt. Aenean placerat pretium fermentum. Aenean suscipit purus est, pharetra ultricies sem ornare eu. Nulla nunc dolor, finibus vel velit ut, tristique sollicitudin ex. Integer aliquet nibh quis erat malesuada, ut tempor nisl dictum.

Donec sed congue est. Maecenas porttitor ultricies lacus in lobortis. Maecenas at scelerisque orci, at gravida libero. Nulla blandit enim elementum hendrerit dignissim. Duis sagittis libero sed ex porta molestie. Aliquam condimentum sapien ut porta aliquet. Integer ipsum tortor, pharetra at tortor eu, pellentesque cursus justo. Mauris imperdiet id ex vitae volutpat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Morbi ac sem nunc. Morbi a volutpat sem, non mattis justo. Nunc non magna tempor, faucibus purus at, porta metus. Nulla hendrerit aliquam nunc, at vehicula mauris. Mauris ac tempus nunc. Vivamus vel magna lectus. Cras sit amet urna dui. Donec lacus orci, tristique sit amet semper sit amet, dictum quis ipsum. Nam accumsan tortor vitae vulputate faucibus. Maecenas fermentum felis eu justo congue, eget hendrerit tellus euismod. Sed feugiat fringilla augue, ut rhoncus sem. Etiam a augue lorem. Etiam nec cursus sapien. Cras molestie orci maximus ornare luctus. Praesent velit ligula, molestie nec tincidunt sed, feugiat eu est.

Vivamus cursus venenatis nulla, eu rhoncus urna venenatis id. Sed mollis ut augue in luctus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus pulvinar pulvinar nisi, id venenatis est. Phasellus sagittis accumsan risus aliquam maximus. Phasellus lorem risus, mattis vitae diam a, mattis lacinia tellus. Donec fringilla, lacus ac mattis eleifend, enim ipsum malesuada justo, molestie tincidunt nibh enim ac augue. In aliquet ornare nunc, in rhoncus nisl dignissim ac. In condimentum ligula a blandit pellentesque.

Sed metus turpis, posuere non ex eget, ornare eleifend sem. Nunc vestibulum vulputate mi non pretium. Etiam hendrerit, lorem at bibendum posuere, nibh quam vestibulum orci, nec tempus nulla justo vitae sapien. Nunc aliquet diam nec metus vehicula consectetur. Duis lacinia massa quam, in fermentum purus pretium vel. Donec tincidunt massa sed nibh blandit placerat. Maecenas eget lorem posuere nisl consectetur malesuada. Aenean ultrices, ex at elementum congue, sem nisi luctus nisl, non interdum dui ipsum eu odio. Nulla congue nec elit ac pulvinar. Vestibulum aliquam urna erat, in iaculis nibh congue ut. Phasellus laoreet quam rutrum, pulvinar lacus a, semper tortor. Fusce vitae mauris tincidunt, malesuada nisi vitae, gravida mi. Nam dictum velit diam, non ornare arcu efficitur non. Nunc sodales mi sed massa sodales, ut porta turpis euismod.

Thanks for reading;
