Daily Digest for January 27th

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kg4vma published Daily Digest for January 26th.
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kg4vma RT @HCSchools: NO SCHOOL in Harrison County today, Tuesday, January 26th. Stay in and stay warm! [kg4vma].
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kg4vma It’s a nice snowy morning: [kg4vma].
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kg4vma The most treacherous part of getting to work this morning: making the turns onto the side street and into the lot. Slid a few times. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma Got to work nearly 30 minutes early. Time to sit and read some news, drink some coffee, and listen to some tunes. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma Lay down the boogie and play that funky music ’til you die [kg4vma].
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kg4vma There were only two cashiers here when I and two others came on. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma GRRRRRR! [kg4vma].
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kg4vma XP home hosting shared PRN. Win7 trying to connect to shared PRN gets "unable to connect" with err code 0x0000000d. Tried everything. Ideas? [kg4vma].
delicious (feed #7)
delicious (feed #7)

Daily Digest for January 25th

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kg4vma published Daily Digest for January 24th.
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kg4vma This Day In History 1/24 1935: First canned beer goes on sale. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma RT @BreakingNews: Wal-Mart announces the elimination of 10,000 jobs at Sam’s Club Stores – WSJ [kg4vma].
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kg4vma RT @BreakingNews: Update: Wal-Mart is outsourcing its product-sampling department to another company [kg4vma].
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kg4vma @tababy012204 …pretty *bad* shape [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for January 24th

lastfm (feed #9)
kg4vma listened to 16 songs.

Daily Digest for January 21st

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kg4vma Now the stereo is possessed. It’s stuck in scan mode. What’s more fun, is that it’s acting like a scanner with a priority channel set. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma The stereo’s clock also says the time is 3:94… [kg4vma].
lastfm (feed #9)
kg4vma listened to 48 songs.

Daily Digest for January 18th

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kg4vma published Daily Digest for January 18th.
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kg4vma Stereo decided to play ‘possum this morn. It finally decided to come to life when I hit Leesburg. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma I am happy to say that when I tore the dash apart the other day I finally got all the guages and lights to work again. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma I also found an old gas bill, a handicap tag, and the payment book buried behind the glove box. Mammaw and Pappaw paid 2k for the car. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma I also found a couple of post-it pads with addresses. I’m guessin’ they were yard sales ’cause they’re all over town and missing names. [kg4vma].
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kg4vma I wonder how much it’d cost to repair and restore this car. I’d never be able to afford to do so, but still… [kg4vma].