Daily Digest for October 1st

blog (feed #1)
kg4vma published Daily Digest for September 30th.
delicious (feed #7)
kg4vma shared 500 Internal Server Error.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer πŸ˜€ YAY! πŸ˜€ [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer and we’re like 100% sure? [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @harrisonema: EMA Director Michael Palmer scheduled to be released from hospital later today. [kg4vma].
googlereader (feed #10)
kg4vma shared 3 links.
  • Postponed!
  • We have received word that school will be out on Thursday and
  • All Schools Closed Oct. 1 & 2
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma At Mom & Dad’s. Dad in bed. Mom updating peeps on the phone. Alien enjoying the heat in the kitchen. Apollo hiding ’cause he left presents. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Sweet! RT @jeffdunham: Jeff and Peanut introduce a sneak peek of their new series, starting Thursday, October 22nd… http://bit.ly/2WXjo8 [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @LEX18News: Harrison County Schools Close For Rest Of Week [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Wonders how much money the school board wastes in printing letters sent home. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tababy012204 Neah. Fettucini. [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for September 30th

lastfm (feed #9)
kg4vma listened to 3 songs.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Only thing that failed on inspection was a smoke detector. I think it’s due to be replaced anyway. One of those rechargeable units. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Tonight’s my first night back to school and I gotta skip ’cause I got a sick kid. I’m never gonna get through a quarter without missin a day [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer πŸ™ how much longer for that? [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @harrisonema: EMA Dir. M. Palmer held in hospital for pneumonia. Illness discovered this morn following yesterday’s surgery. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Will find out in about an hour if @MissNivea has flu. Kinda funny part: they gave her a stuffed piggy at the lab. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @KYHealthAlerts: Updates to Health Alerts–information on school dismissals will be posted on a daily basis: http://tinyurl.com/ydorrnd [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma No flu for @MissNivea. Just a random bug. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Have no idea what to call what I fixed for supper, but, DAMN! it was good! [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for September 29th

twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Got the upstairs bath repainted. Now just a few minor repairs and general cleaning and we’ll be ready for inspection. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Never fails. I scrub the toilets and someone gets a bout of explosive diarrhea. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Cool! I didn’t know that "A Haunting" had told the story of Bobby Mackey’s. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @heraldleader: Xerox to buy ACS for $5.75B http://bit.ly/3BRmhn [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @harrisonema: EMA Dir. Mike Palmer recovering follow sched surgery. Being held overnight in ICU for observ. Discharge expected tomorrow. [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for September 27th

blog (feed #1)
kg4vma published Daily Digest for September 26th.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma An idea for Touch/iPhone OS: drag re-ordering of the iTunes downloads. [kg4vma].
lastfm (feed #9)
kg4vma listened to 28 songs.

Daily Digest for September 26th

twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @kygov: State Parks Take Part in Second Sunday Activities Oct. 11: [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Citizens can get in trouble for windsheild obstructions, yet cruisers have lights, lasers, radars, etc. What gives? Just a thought. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Can’t hear "right back to where we started from" without thinking of "an extremely goofy movie". [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Wondering why this link http://bit.ly/1zh5DV won’t work in the BB browser. BB says it’s having a problem rendering. Opera loads it fine. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Need to remember to check the time settings on my host and wp installation! [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma LMAO RT @googlenews: Man sues BofA for "1784 billion, trillion dollars" – Reuters http://bit.ly/t802v [kg4vma].
blog (feed #1)
kg4vma published Daily Digest for September 25th.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @Techmeme: Warner Inks Deal to Bring Green Day, Madonna, U2 Back to YouTube (Michael Learmonth/AdAge) [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for September 25th

twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Heck, I’d be happy to be like the before pic: http://twitpic.com/iy0dd [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @mchang16: 19 POUND BABY BORN IN INDONESIA. Dear, God! http://bit.ly/3Mr4ZQ – If you’re curious, the link has a pic that is UNBELIEVABLE! [kg4vma].
blog (feed #1)
kg4vma published Daily Digest for September 24th.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Taking @tababy012204 to ER [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma she checked out okay. gonna follow up with her doc on mon unless another seizure like episode occurs. [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for September 24th

twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma drinking coffee with @MissNivea and watching @leolaporte ‘s interview of @pogue [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma i love @boxee !!! [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma I really wish that http://cynthianademocrat.com had RSS [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tababy012204 can’t remember now. We were talking and then twitter distracted you… [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tababy012204 you’d need to think about folding that pile of clothes of yours first… [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer cute! I was the first one to sync with mom. I transferred the recording of Moses’ purr to her phone. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer so what’d ya get? [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer that’s a nice phone. I liked it more than I liked the razr. [kg4vma].

Daily Digest for September 22nd

twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tababy012204 I got up at 6… So, nyeah…. πŸ˜› [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma The one downside to liking or commenting a post on facebook: my phone goes off whenever somebody else does the same. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Though I really don’t know why I’m complaining about that. After all, I have a freaking twitter client on my phone, too! [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer I just wonder if it will be any worse when the @ actually catches on with the non-geeky facebook crowd. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma SOB! Just broke one of our (relatively) new glasses. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Radar looks clear for a while. Better go see if I can do some work out at the folks house. [kg4vma].
digg (feed #4)
kg4vma liked 5 stories.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer what a co-inky-dink. Display on mom’s went out. Heading into town to get a new one. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Hey @tababy012204 I was talking to you [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Tried to drop off a cat we’ve been wanting to get rid of for a while. Ended up just giving the cat a car ride. I just couldn’t do it. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Debating on using twitter to replace im and sms messaging to the wife… Could be troublesome and embarrassing… [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Hey, @tababy012204! You ran off with my towel! I’d like to dry off! [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Yeah. I think I’ll stick with sms for messaging her. [kg4vma].
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma RT @peeweeherman: I’m back! Follow Pee-wee! Someone who RT’s this gets a phone call from me tonight! #peewee [kg4vma].
lastfm (feed #9)
kg4vma listened to 109 songs.
twitter (feed #2)
kg4vma Good night peoples. Been up long enough. [kg4vma].


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: [KYHAM] CUSEC COMMUNICATIONS Emergency (China)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 08:46:21 -0400
From: Stephens, Robert L Mr. NGKY
The following document is being forwarded to the KYHAM ListServe from the
Central US Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC) regarding the earthquake disaster in
Bob Stephens (COL Ret.)
Communications Supervisor
KY Dept of Military Affairs
Frankfort, KY 40601
502-607-1617 Office
502-607-1146 FAX
502-545-8282 Cell
—–Original Message—–
From: cusec_commo@yahoogroups.com [mailto:cusec_commo@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jeff Howell
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:19 PM
To: indianaems; Indiana Emergency Management; Indiana DMAT; IN DHS ARDC;
CUSEC COMMO; ARESv; 911 Dispatchers
Subject: [cusec_commo] Communications Emergency (China)
A Magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Sichuan, China on Monday, May 12,
2008 at 06:28:04 UTC. Casualties and loss unknown up to now. According to
Chinese Radio Sports Association, 14.270, 7.050 and 7.060 MHz are reserved
for amateur radio emergency service in the rescue.
A group of radio amateurs is now transmitting from Wenchuan, the center of
quake. Their signal is reported to be very weak. They tried to keep
communication with BY8AA in Chengdu, seeking for all resources needed. During
a contact finished a few minutes ago, they were asking for raincoats, water,
tents, and outdoor living facilities.
Please spread this message as far as you can and keep the frequencies clear
for emergency use. Thank you.
Michael Chen, BD5RV/4
Jeff E. Howell, EMT
Communications Officer
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
National Disaster Medical System
Disaster Medical Assistance Team KY-1
Jeff.Howell(at)hhs.gov 202-470-0963
NCIC/911 Coordinator – ORI/IN0100000
Sex and Violent Offender Registry Task Force Clark Co. (Ind.) Sheriff’s
Office jhowell(at)co.clark.in.us 812-283-4471
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