I haven’t done a whole lot today…

Downloaded a few podcasts, and found a new one. Watched a little TV. Saw an interesting program on cattle mutilations.

Listened to the past week’s diggnation, and found the story ’bout ATHF ad campaign. Hilarious! Think I should do something similar…


I’ve had a decent day.

Watching Pop-Up-Video. Diana recorded a few episodes earlier. This one is based around Elton John. I’m not all that interested.

I spent a lot of time on the computer today. Played around at Digg. Read some interesting stuff.

Now we’re watching a Madonna episode. I’m a little more interested.

I  also played around with the Google image labeler. http://images.google.com/imagelabeler/

I can’t really think of anything else to say right now…

… did you know that “Justify My Love” was written by Lenny Kravitz?

Save the BBC from Windows DRM!

The BBC has a long and glorious past as a technological innovator. Throughout the history of broadcasting, it has often been the first to develop and promote new technologies. Sadly, it seems now to be teetering on the brink of making technical choices that will not only damage its own reputation as a world-class institution, but which will also ha

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Terrifying Doll Provides a Lifetime of Fear to Your Child

If you’d like to give your child the gift of a lifetime of therapy, these “never-miss-me-again” dolls will make sure they head right for the couch as soon as they’re old enough. Holding a photo of whatever you’d like (I recommend you with photoshopped red eyes), the dolls can also play back a prerecorded message

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Christian Pediatrician Turns Away Child Because of Parent’s Tatoos

So you can be self-righteous all you’d like. It’s one of the freedoms that makes this country great. But to claim that you’re refusing to help someone because you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ is like saying that you’re going to volunteer at the Jewish community center because you follow the teachings of Hitler.

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