Just a quick blog update

So, for the past week or so–in between doing a ton of automotive repairs–I’ve been tinkering with my blogging/journaling efforts. One would think that would mean that I’ve been trying to actually do more writing, right? Well, by looking at the timeline here, that’s obviously not the case.

What I’ve been doing is working behind the scenes on trying to figure out the best way possible to get everything synced between my at home server–the WordPress installation, and the Gemini & Gopher file servers–and my WordPress hosted mirror. If you look back a few posts, you’ll see I had mentioned the desire to have it all playing together, with the ability to continue to have the “big web” content, like my Instagram posts, being brought over into the “small web” of Gemini and Gopher-land files. Well, I think I have things sorted out… Maybe…

I’m still working on getting a perfectly synchronized thing going, and working on trying to fix older “posts” that were migrated from sites like MySpace and LiveJournal–most of these posts are suffering from dead links and references to bad embed codes/commands–which, sadly, this will still suffer in the future as I’m wanting to keep hooks into the “big web”. (See, this is part of the argument for and appeal to the “small web”–keep things simple and less media rich so that data can survive and transfer easier; and, of course, here I am totally mucking up the point by injecting my “big web” ideas into it.)

I haven’t yet seen about whether I can successfully draft things in the gemini-space and have them translate into the larger scope of things–I’m waiting to see if all of my efforts to bring the bigger world into the smaller world works first; as such, this post is being written and published in WordPress for the time being.

…and, just to mention what has driven me to push this along at an attempted increased rate–I’ve been playing around with a “pen-pal” app called Slowly. On Slowly I’ve introduced myself with my ham calls and invited people to Google said calls to find out more about me if they’re so inclined, as I tend to post everywhere as KG4VMA. Well, after making that introduction, I thought it would be a good idea to actually get my butt in gear and make my posts more accessible and in sync so that people using Slowly could see the more up-to-date and for-everyone sides of me. (Yeah, there I go, again; introducing the concepts of the faster “big web” into a world where the idea is to slow down. I’ve really got a problem, here, don’t I?)

So… If you’re into Slowly and would like to exchange letters, you can find me directly with the Slowly ID. My Slowly ID is Z5Z3WY. I try to write ASAP, and usually from the web interface as I find it easier; the web interface also means that I can potentially write a heck of a letter instead of something short, so be warned.

Anyway, I think that’s all I have for now.