On this morning’s Coffeebreak:
Rick’s guest was Gary Carter, of the Harrison County Cooperative Extension Office.
Topics discussed during this morning’s program were moisture and run-off, The Harrison County Tomorrow survey and teams, beef cattle and the recent national attention to “tainted” beef, rental machinery available at the office, the upcoming health fair, and the county fair.
Mr. Carter invited the public to visit the Harrison County Tommorrow section of the extension office site. The site hosts information of the project, minutes from meetings, lists the development teams created and their focus, and offers contact information for committee members. Mr. Carter noted that he has seen a large number of younger citizens involved in these functions. On a related note, Rick mentioned the recent disbanding of the committee which had been organized to develop a plan for the new recreational park.
The Extension office has available for local farmers several pieces of equipment available for rental at low fees. Equipment may be rented for a mere $8 per acre and a refundable $50 deposit. This is a great alternative to buying new or used equipment for small farms wishing to keep costs low.
The Harrison County Health Fair will be held on April 4th [conflicting reports–according to an announcement made by the Community Education Center, the event takes place on April 3rd] at the Harrison County Middle School.
The extension office is already in the works of planning this summer’s fair. One event which may occur this year is that of a demolition derby. Mr. Carter stated that he’s seen and heard of interest for this type of event, and is seeing on the feasibility of holding such an event this year.
Mr. Carter made an announcement of a class being held next week for local farmers. Josh Renaker will be instructing a class next Monday through Wednesday at the Licking Valley Campus of Maysville Community & Technical College, for farmers wishing to know how to put Microsoft Excel to work in record keeping functions. The class is near capacity, however, those interested are encouraged to call the office and reserve a spot on an alternate roster.
Sponsors for this morning’s Coffeebreak were:
The First United Methodist Church, the Harrison County Board of Education, Jetubs, Cockrell’s Auto Center, Eastside Pharmacy, Whalen & Company, and Shelter Mutual Insurance.
WCYN makes available to the public audio copies of Coffeebreak, however recordings are only archived for a period of five business days. Cassette copies are $5 and CD copies are $10. The views and opinions expressed on today’s Coffeebreak have been those of the guest and host and are not necessarily those of WCYN staff, management, or advertisers.
Beef. It’s whats for dinner.
Yes, Ale-8 break… I didn’t brew a pot of coffee this morning, because I’ve run out, and haven’t gone to the store… oh, well. But, I did manage to wake up early enough to listen to Coffeebreak this morning…
This morning’s guest was “Mayor of East-Lair”, Jerry Lail. Discussion was based around history and changes in Cynthiana. Lail is an interesting guest to listen to, however, due to the nature of the discussions–that of story-telling–it’s difficult to take notes.
On a related note, the Kentucky Historical Society has made an announcement for the change in hours for the Special Collections Reading Room. The reading room will only be available by appointment on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and opened for walk-ins on Thursdays and Fridays.
After listening to Coffeebreak this morning, I hit the ‘net to search for any sign of an old Cynthiana business which died out quite some time ago–Pine Villa Restaurant. I hoped that I might find a writing or a story related to the old business, like the writing I found on McKnight’s Restaurant.
I didn’t find anything written about Pine Villa, but what I did find was much better.
I googled “pine villa cynthiana” and found four relevant hits–one being a report related to the leaking gas tanks, another being an obituary, and an image search. The one I explored was a Flickr search.
There are several photos that have been posted on Flickr which help show Cynthiana at her best–as I see her. It made me smile to see that others see Cynthiana the same way, and that they have taken the time to share these images with the world.
To view the Flickr results for Cynthiana as a slideshow, follow the link below:
After listening to Coffeebreak this morning, I hit the ‘net to search for any sign of an old Cynthiana business which died out quite some time ago–Pine Villa Restaurant. I hoped that I might find a writing or a story related to the old business, like the writing I found on McKnight’s Restaurant.
I didn’t find anything written about Pine Villa, but what I did find was much better.
I googled “pine villa cynthiana” and found four relevant hits–one being a report related to the leaking gas tanks, another being an obituary, and an image search. The one I explored was a Flickr search.
There are several photos that have been posted on Flickr which help show Cynthiana at her best–as I see her. It made me smile to see that others see Cynthiana the same way, and that they have taken the time to share these images with the world.
To view the Flickr results for Cynthiana as a slideshow, follow the link below:
I’m upset. My silly little Coffeebreak recorder didn’t work this morning. Well, it worked, but it shut off at the return from the first break. I haven’t figured out why yet. Either something I had something else running in the background which stole CPU cycles or bandwidth; or the stupid connection re-buffered for another reason, causing there to be a fault in recording. That stinks.
So, I set up a back-up task to record the replay at 4:00pm. I listened to this morning’s program, but did so on the way back home from dropping Diana off at work, which means that I really didn’t get a chance to sit down and think along with the program.
In keeping with the theme of government (which was disrupted by Thursday’s program–a break was taken in order to have guests speak on the upcoming “Go Red” events in February), Rick spoke on our poor representation and community involvement. One incident which happened this week, which “didn’t anger” him, but made him “wonder” was the announcement of Clark county receiving funds to assist in building an aquatic center. The big question is, how can Clark county receive state monies to aid in the funding of such a project, while Harrison hasn’t seen anything. Another sticking point is that the senator representing our district has not been so neighborly with us–Rick has not seen Sen. R.J. Palmer in the county but once, that he can recall, whereas previous senators were frequently seen or heard from.
Granted, as Harrison County Magistrate Jerry Dawson noted earlier in the week, Harrison County was rather spoiled in the past by having senators with personal interests in Harrison county–the late Wilson Palmer, for example–but the senator of any district should be more active in efforts in all counties within his district, whether or not he resides there. (Senator R.J. Palmer resides in Clark County)
Is Harrison County getting an unfair deal? Possibly.
Did the same thing happen before, in the opposite direction when we had a senator living here? Did citizens in other counties cry foul when something beneficial happened in our county as opposed to theirs? More than likely.
There is a problem here, though. Our senator hasn’t stopped by as often as the former senators. He needs to look at how he’s spending his time, and show his face, or share his voice more often. This, however isn’t the BIG problem. The BIG problem is our citizenry.
We don’t speak as loud as we should. Before I continue, I should say that I am as guilty of this as those I am taking issue with–I don’t speak out as much as I could. I don’t attend civic meetings. I don’t contact my local, state, or federal representatives. I am not as active in the community as I could be. I moan and cry about how terrible things are, and what different bone-headed decisions and directives our local, state, and federal governments make–but I don’t take any action. That, my friends, is the BIG problem. Our community is filled with people who do the same.
“Has anyone ever said to you that the city is dying?” Rick asked this question on the program this morning, and I do not know fully what he was asking–was he asking the question straight-out? was he trying to spark some thought? was it something he has thought? or was it just a question that suddenly came to mind?
“It’s a dying town,” were a few of the words Diana said, late last week, when she asked me why I was so fond of Cynthiana. I really have no choice but to acknowledge her statement, and try to pick up with weak rebuttals as I look around. We have two industrial parks–one half-occupied, the other has seen only one development. I can think of three, maybe four buildings that had been used for manufacturing/industrial applications which now sit vacant. We have two major parks–one in sad repair, and the other has been sitting idle for five years, waiting to be developed. There are numerous storefronts in the shopping centers and in the downtown area which haven’t been occupied in months, even years.
Cynthiana is dying. And it hurts me to watch her die. And I’m not doing anything to help. I’m only standing at the foot of her bed, amongst all of you, watching her gasp for air.
Day two of WCYN’s question “If changing to a SINGLE form of local government was on the ballot, how would you vote?”
Of 31 voters, 22 have said they would favor a joint city-county government.
I found a neat way for me to time record Coffeebreak now, so I’ll never have to miss it again! With minimal tinkering, it works like a charm… Follow the link below to see where I found the instructions to do it:
Record Streaming Radio Using Free Software – MineZone Blog