What are you afraid of?
Hmmm…. okay, so what am I afraid of?
I just recently discovered my fear of death. I knew that I was afraid of death all aong, but it took an experience this past weekend that actually clued me into it. It happened Friday night.
Where I had quit my job, things have been rather tight, financially. To earn some extra cash, Diana has been selling plasma, and had actually gotten me talked into it – it took a bit of work on her part – but that’s another story. At any rate, I had gone in on Friday night to sell plasma once more, and then it happened. The trigger to my realization that I am afraid to die.
Throughout the harvesting process, I was fine. It was when the blood cells were returned that things went bad. I lost most of my vision. I lost my hearing. I nearly went out. That was very scary.
I don’t think that I’ll do that ever again.
Tag: writers_block
Writer's Block: Words that you love and hate
What are your favorite and least favorite words? Any reasons why?
I love supercaliffragilisticexpialidocious.
I cannot think of any words that i hate.
Once again, the LJ suggestion for a starting point sucks….
Writer's Block: Who's in your neighborhood
How well do you know your next-door neighbors?
Um, not very well. I really don’t care to know any of them, really. I’m just not a sociable person. The only neighbors I do know are Lucas – he lives two doors down, Jessie – across the street, and Maria – across the street as well.
Hmm… this suggestion of LJ’s to cure writer’s block hasn’t been very helpful…