
I’ve got a headache…
Nivea just said hi, for some reason…
Taron’s running around in circles…
Niv’s pushing a crate around…
I’m outta cigarettes, and my dip is in the van…
The coffee is cold…
I’m hungry…
Niv just said bye…
Taron’s pushing the crate now…
I have a nice sized cavity in one of my wisdom teeth… It’s the one that came in sideways, and points outward, towards my cheek. I hate my teeth. I hate my smile. There’s only one other part of my body I dislike, other than my smile…
this is growing old, so i think i’ll actually write something….
I went to the office this morning, and spent a grand portion of the day there, playing around with the computers. I had a little snag here, at home before I left, involving Diana’s mp3 player–I couldn’t get the computer to recognize it, or so I thought. Turns out that the computer kept assigning it a drive letter I had reserved for a web-folder. I didn’t figure this out until I opened the device manager, and saw that the computer was loading the generic mass storage drivers. Following that I loaded the disk management console and saw that the device was assigned the wrong letter. Problem solved.
Now, I’ve got another problem going on at the office. Herb’s computer is having issues, which can easily be fixed by a quick re-install of windows, but I have no idea where the disc is… I may just save all his docs and put something else on there if I can’t find the stupid restore CD. He won’t care, and probably won’t notice. All he uses the thing for is email and the occasional use of word.
Dad’s notebook is pretty nice–similar to the one I have in pawn. I put pcAnywhere on it, and his primary office computer, so that he can connect to everything from home. It works great through a broadband connection, we’ll see about dialup… Oh, get this, his primary pc doesn’t have a modem. That pissed me off. I was planning to set the sucker up so he could dial into it. Oh, well. Internet connection works. Took a bit to figure out how to do it (meaning I actually had to read the instructions), but it was pretty easy…
I need to clean the van. Hell, I need to clean the car, for that matter. It’s just the van looks a bit worse now–a clean exterior and a messy interior. Yeah, we had to wash the thing the other day. Sunday, actually. We awoke to find that the poor thing had fallen victim to a drive-by paint-balling in the night. Savages. I felt better when the cop told us that we weren’t the only one–it seems that someone (or a group) had shot several cars on Pike Street. I hadn’t checked the records in the Democrat to see if the report was published. Probably not. Most likely be in next weeks paper.
I missed out on listening to Coffeebreak this morning. Sorry. No updates for Coffeebreak. I know. You’re deeply saddened. Well, I didn’t get a chance to tell you about Thursday’s show… Rick interviewed Joe Joe. They spoke about the homecoming stuff – it’s been rescheduled for October 24th. That’s pretty much it.
No other news to speak of. Unless you wanna know about what’s going on in scannerland… Obie’s stumbling down River Road.
There were two fires earlier today. A house in Connersville, and a grass fire in Berry. Charlie bitched about people not reading the paper. It seems that the grassfire was caused by a controlled burn – and burning has been banned until further notice due to the dry conditions.
Well, the kids are at my elbows now, so I think I’d better go play….

Coffeebreak – 18 Sept. 2007

Well, I’ve been listening to Coffeebreak… This morning Rick had Representative Tom McKee on the program… Discussions were politics, of course…
I tuned in (via the simultaneous webcast) right after the announcement of the cancellation of the Homecoming Events.
Rick asked Tom his opinion on local finances, and what items might be included in the state budget for aiding Cynthiana and Harrison County.
Discussion also involved casino gambling, agriculture in respect of the impact of this years weather on the price of grains and the effect of development of bio-fuels (ethanol), and the problems faced at Lake Cumberland.
On closing, Rep. McKee wished to convey his sorrow to the friends and families affected by last night’s tragedy.
Sponsors were:
Eastside Pharmacy, Whalen & Company, Bourbon Community Hospital, Jetubs, and the St. Edwards Truck & Tractor Pull (takes place this weekend)
The show will be rebroadcast at 4:00 p.m.

AM 1400 – WCYN

I was out running a few errands this morning, and ended up having to sit in the car for a bit, in order to wait for one of the businesses to open up… I ended up listening to WCYN while I was sitting in the van–the reason why I was listening to WCYN was because my usual radio station does not come in at that spot (as well as many others) in Cynthiana.
Anyway, I got to catch the last ten minutes of Coffeebreak, and the first few of Ray Chamberlain’s Words of Faith program.
On Coffeebreak, this morning, Rick was speaking with (I forget the first name) Furnish about an event that is taking place this weekend for the benefit of St. Edward’s. I ended up discovering something that I hadn’t know… St. Edwards has bought a few properties in order to expand. They’re the only church in town that hasn’t had any expansion in the last few years. Honestly, I’m glad that they’re expanding, for, as Furnish had said on this morning’s program, they are in desperate need of common and play areas for the children of the church and school. I hope that this fundraiser, and any further that they have become fruitful, and assist in this effort.
On Chamberlain’s spot, he read a poem that his wife shares each September. I absolutely loved the poem, but forgot the title and the author, so I called up Radioshack, and asked Leann if she could find out what poem had appeared on this morning’s radio spot. She, in turn called the church, and got in touch with her grandmother, who informed us that the poem is September, by Helen Hunt Jackson. The story that Ray shared along with the poem was quite cute… Ray said that he believes that the Mrs. brings the poem out each year, for the fond memory that she has each September is their engagement. If that isn’t romantic, I do not know what is…
After receiving the call back from Leann, I hopped on the net, in order to attempt to offer a suggestion to WCYN, for the sale of their Coffeebreak program… they keep an archive of their programs for five days, so that they may be able to sell copies to the public… Cassettes are $15 and CDs $20… Well, I thought that maybe I could suggest that they offer copies in mp3, available for sale and download from the website… That’s when I discovered that the idea may have already come about, for they are doing something that they hadn’t before… they are streaming their broadcast…


Sometimes when you look back on a situation, you realize it wasn’t all you thought it was. A beautiful girl walked into your life. You fell in love. Or did you? Maybe it was only a childish infatuation, or maybe just a brief moment of vanity.
    Henry Bromel, Northern Exposure, The Big Kiss, 1991
Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you have to be involved with them. Love is not a bandage to cover wounds.
    Hugh Elliott, Standing Room Only weblog, February 16, 2004
Is love supposed to last throughout all time, or is it like trains changing at random stops. If I loved her, how could I leave her? If I felt that way then, how come I don’t feel anything now?
    Jeff Melvoin, Northern Exposure, Altered Egos, 1993
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.
    Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC)
But seduction isn’t making someone do what they don’t want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already.
    Waiter Rant, Waiter Rant weblog, 11-29-05


So, I may have discovered something very startling… a trend… how our finances and moods correlate…
What’s scarier is that one trend I might have found is that when our expenses are at the lowest points, and our income is high, are the points where I have gotten Diana to calm down, and we have cut items… That also, if I am looking at the dates correctly, is when Diana starts liking me less…
This does prove that she is a materialistic person… Sure, she may not need physical pocessions, but she needs stuff…
I would really like to check this graph against all of my blog entries (past ones shall be difficult to locate) and see if I have written anything on our general temperaments at during those frames of time…
I did see one thing which I feel shows a correlation… During the time frame where she was feeling less loved and less appreciated, our income grew, as our expenses dropped… Obviously this is drastically changed when I left work to be with her… We spent a lot more, and had not a penny to our names… And oddly, she was happier…
Of course, when I think about it, it has been this way for quite some time, even back when we were starting out…
At any rate… Dates which I need to search are…
June – August 2005
December 2005
Feb – March 2006
May 2006
August 2006
Feb – May 2007
June-August 2005 – okay, there was some fighting, Diana wasn’t too happy. I cannot remember it being that bad… she was arguing about us not having things she wanted… like a cell phone, cable, and so on… then i got hired on full-time at concpet, and we got those things…. i remember that during this time frame, i was hoping that i’d get hired on so that i could either have money to give her, or money that i could use to run away… obviously i never ran away….
there is an increase in dining out during this time frame…
december 05 – there was increased spending – expected – holidays
feb-march 2006 – decrease in spending, odd considering a new baby was born… there was a tax deposit early feb, which accounts relative decrease in spending, but i do recall some more fighting here… diana had been threatening to leave again, if she didn’t get what she needed – note the increased cable bill… there must have been a little more fighting as well, note the appearance of liquor…
may 2006 – i cannot explain by looking at the financial statements… there is an increase in cell phone bill, and then auto repairs… i do not see why there is a lesser expense… but there is, despite an increase in dining out, and the aforementioned vehicle maintenance…
August 2005 – this is where diana and i point back to something happening, but neither of us can figure out what… we were at blows here… why, neither of us really know… we both claim that the one was not appreciating the other… it was shortly after this that i believed things were getting better, and diana claims that they weren’t… expenses increase due to van and approaching holiday season…
Feb – may 2007 – we all know this… during this time frame there was also a drop in expenses, due in part to diana’s short-lived employment… my income fluctuated a hell of a lot… so there was no gain there… i do see less purchases… i am not comprehending what exactly happened there financially… our balance was relatively low… but we were perfect on spending – until mid april, when you know what happened…
so, i dunno…
i need to look at the blogs… see if i can find more… maybe i can find a cycle to everything….

When I was in high school, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be. I didn’t know fully, so I decided not to bother with going to college, and to take some time, to figure things out. Two years later, my thoughts became clearer. Two years after that, I knew full-well what I wanted to do with my life.
Now, I’m not so sure…
“Dreamer, you stupid little dreamer,”
I discovered that I had an interest in computers sometime in the late ’90s. My dad had gotten a job at an office, and ended up bringing home a computer. Well, the one work computer soon led to several coming through the door, and the two of us started studying what we could, when we could. He’d bring home various parts and junked PCs, and we’d tear them down and rebuild.
In 2001, I became employed by a local consumer-electronics dealer. It was here that I discovered that the public is moronic, needs help, and that there isn’t anyone around this town that can truly offer that kind of help – not even at the local dealer of products from “America’s technology store.”
It was here that I started to dream of becoming an entrepreneur. 
In 2003, my father gained a heightened interest in radio communications. He has always had an interest – it just grew. He started working with the communications systems of the county’s emergency services. I started to help, in small doses, as just an alternate set of eyes when trying to figure out how to use an unfamiliar piece of programming software. His collection of equipment grew, and so had the word that he could program certain radios.
I came to the realization that the two of us should join forces and start a business. I’ve drempt of this for four years now. And nothing has happened.

So, how come it seems like life is full of way too many hassles?

I just wish that I could have everything the way it SHOULD be instead just happening as it does.

I don’t know.

I wish Diana and I would stop fighting long enough to actually

I don’t know.

I don’t even know what in the hell I am trying to say.

Oh shit. now she’s awake and yelling at Taron.